wehehehe. naa namo tshirt ni jay. humot kaaU ma bayot kog ahat! bwahahahaha
wehehehe. naa namo tshirt ni jay. humot kaaU ma bayot kog ahat! bwahahahaha
[QUOTE=clinically.dead;10564853]Yeah, I think they also played Mata ng Diyos. I'm not really familiar with Center of the Sun. No Atomica though, if my memory serves me right.
After Kamikazee performed, a lot of people left, mostly the younger audience. Prolly because they don't know who Wolfgang is. Heh.
sa akong nahinumdoman...mata ng diyos, arise, og halik ni hudas jud to ang sikat nila sauna..kai mao may cgeg air play...i think naa ang atomica sa black matra.......na familiar lang kos center of the sun..wen i bought the Alive album..with razorback....check sa utube...acoustica concert....center of the sun ilang first song...with UP Ambassadors.....
ai nah nganung namauli....wa nuon na enjoy sa mga bug at2 nga kanta....hehhehehe
share2 lang sa akoa kuha way manaway ha.
Last edited by newbie4ever; 07-16-2011 at 11:47 AM. Reason: add
Ang nakanindot ra ani nga line-up kay Wolfgang ra... ang uban bahala na kung dili motukar..... IMHO ha... hehehe!
Darkness Fell..................
hahahahah! mao ra gyud akong gihuwat the Wolfs and Sandwich!
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