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mo exist gihapon na sila ang DDS kai buangon na sila og utok.
pastilan nimo bai..mao ni imo best nga answer? probida way unod bai..

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Sa ubang nasud mao na silang gitawag mga serial killer. Huna-hunaa sad gud bai, nga sa States naay mga mopatay og prosti kai immoral daw. these people are considered sick, serial killers. Whats the difference? Sa davao mga petty thief, snatcher ihawon. These people are serial killers, naa ni silay kulang sa utok mao na di sila ma konsyensya sa pag-ihaw og tao nga murag animal. Ikaw bai, maka patay kaha kag tao kung kahibalo ka nga ang ilang krimen snatcher ra o kawatan? How about 100 of these? Maka pusil ka nila 1 x 1?
sus pastila tubaga..utok gamita ayaw ng baba..paita uyyy

Originally Posted by
The point I'm getting at is how can a normal person kill 100's of people as if they are nothing? They are not normal people, bai, there is something missing in there somewhere...
and if you think otherwise would you let one of your daughters or sisters marry a DDS member?
