i would like to rebut on this.
first and foremost we are talking about intelligence here
and not just intelligence but how to improve our intelligence
relying on your judgement does not improve your knowledge,
it improves your experience
ah wait, oh yeah trial and error.... science
next is this, common sense is only applicable to things you are doubtful of
just like your line of business, you need approval
but actually it is already found in some other business and psychology books
but in other professions, we depend on books
lawyers, doctors, priests etc... do you think they depend on just plain common sense?
do you really think that a doctor can heal somebody just plainly by common sense
this is one reason why education is really important
we have to widen our knowledge so that we can catch up with the world
just like now that we have the internet
we have facebook
we have to understand the computer itself that is why we have computer classes
that is why for the students especially those who are in elementary, they should try to read
information is found in books
this is what they need to gain knowledge
the purpose of being a student is to study
and after that they can apply what they have learned
common sense is part of being human
we are all equipped with it
if you don't know a particular topic then you don't just plainly say something about it.
you have to research it and understand it
that is why books where created