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  1. #271

    Default Re: Tan aw ninyu, Tinuod kaha ni?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lind View Post

    A Giant Gecko Worth $19 Millions, a Surprising Business

    Amazing, this word came out from my mouth after read the headline in my local newspaper. There was a teenager found a giant gecko on the border of Nunukan (Kalimantan Island and Malaysia). His name Arbin. With weight around 64 kilograms. Maybe this was usual news, but there is something make me surprised. This giant gecko worth $19 millions. Tribun kaltim newspaper was covering this news. After that many entrepreneur or business owner make a phone call Tribun Kaltim to get information about this gecko. But unfortunately this giant gecko was sold by someone from Indonesia. Arbin said that this gecko brought to China. Although this animal has sold but there are many people still want to buy this gecko with the higher price. They don't get much information from Arbin. Another thing which makes me surprised was there's a man who want to buy this gecko $2,7 millions per ounces. You can calculate how much money he will spend only for a gecko. His name Andi Makkuraga Hidayat. He is gecko entrepreneurs. Almost three years he ran this business. So far the largest gecko which he was bought around five kilograms. Please take a picture below, how big this gecko.

    A Surprising Business

    This was become great business for the people in my country . They have a new job as a gecko's hunter. But not all the people interested with this animal. People who have passion to get a lot of money and use the good chance. They use their leisure time to hunt the gecko. Most of them who live in the village which there are many trees. And they also hunt this animal in the forest. There are a lot of information which said that this animal worth thousands until hundred thousands dollar. During this time, the voice of gecko is often used to predict the weather. but recently the demand for these reptiles are higher than before. I get some information about the list of the price of gecko:

    • 2.5 ounce (7875 grams,) worth $550
    • 3 ounce - 3,6 ounce (85.05 grams - 102,06 grams) worth $5500
    • 3.7 ounce - 3.9 ounce (104,89 grams - 110.5 grams) worth $8300
    • above 4 ounce (113.4 grams) worth $11000 per ounce

    Many people hunt geckos because it has become one of Indonesia's export goods. Each day about 3,000 geckos were exported. There is a farm which produce geckos. This farm located in Probolinggo, East Java.Beside as a farm, the owner of this place also as an exporter. To meets the demand from China, Japan and some countries in Southeast Asia. These geckos have dried in this farm. However, not all geckos can be exported. Gecko which weight above 3.5 ounces.
    The owner of the farm is Didik. His father also has gecko breeding business. He always exported geckos in China, Taiwan, even Japan. He got $33000 every month, with 200 employees. He starts his business from 1990's. Right now he became gecko entrepreneur.

    A Giant Gecko Worth $19 Millions, a Surprising Business

    d mana tinoud mga migo ang ingon ana nga price! tanan tao halos kng toko hisgotan milyon2 daun halin! tsk tsk tsk

    and kani nga shot sa tuko trick rani, pa duola nang tao sa tuko o dba pwte na gamayang tuko!

  2. #272

    Default Re: Tan aw ninyu, Tinuod kaha ni?

    unless dunay nuclear reactor meltdown sa lugar diin didto madakpan ning mananapa makaingon gyud ko sa akong ubos nga pagpaminsar nga gi-photoshop ra ni

  3. #273

    Default Re: Tan aw ninyu, Tinuod kaha ni?

    dili na tinuod uy. mura ra nag storya sauna nga ang sigbin maka ayu ug hiv/aids. if ibaligya paliton ug 1M. hahaahhaha

  4. #274

    Default Re: Tan aw ninyu, Tinuod kaha ni?

    @TS: kng mo ingon ka nga tinuod ni, mura kag gaingon nga ang pasayan og alimango nga tipakha pampatabmbok sa iro.
    and 1 more thing, ayaw pugsa, samot lisud sabton.

  5. #275
    Elite Member o0ella0o's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tan aw ninyu, Tinuod kaha ni?

    Wow...di tingae ni tinuod wui...

  6. #276

    Default Re: Nganong naa may mopalit ug TOKO for 20k up

    scam d.i ni ang toko na paliton ug 20k up? daghan bya nangita ani tagbaw panakop ky naa daw mopalit.hahaha

  7. #277

    Default Re: Tan aw ninyu, Tinuod kaha ni?

    chui au! mura jd wa g edit... hehe

  8. #278

    Default Re: Tan aw ninyu, Tinuod kaha ni?

    if ala ko kabalo ug camera ug photoshop motuo jud ko pero..wew...pgkaklaro sad ani ui..ahaah..avid photoshop user.....

  9. #279

    Default Re: Tan aw ninyu, Tinuod kaha ni?

    hahahahahahahha =) kung tinood pana sa pic bro ... hagbay ra unta na gi balita diri sa pinas .... hahaha

  10. #280

    Default Re: Tan aw ninyu, Tinuod kaha ni?

    as a gecko enthusiast bro, daghan kog pet nga tuko and some leopard gecks sa amo-a..pero wa pman tawn ko kahinagbo ug n ani ka dako ui....maybe around two feet cguro naa pa....kay i found one nga his been around for 9 years sa among house, feeds on rats and birds...his big but not that big like in the mo ingon nuon clag cryptid mas naa pay mo believe...ang iring gud not even 1/4 of the size...hahah!!! gud day mga bro!!

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