try contact nila bro, naa sila cebu office naa sa a.s fortuna banilad. pero kung pa-customized mo murag mahal tingali na..
I think it's not so easy to sell an older house here when new builds are so plentiful. The whole property ladder concept which works so well in the developed world is kind of redundant here especially when you factor in capital gains tax.
My advice is build well within your budget and do not borrow heavily as that expensive mortgage may outlast your home.
hi! if you want a cost per square meter, try to consider it always as a rough estimate not yet the final or detailed estimates. If you hire an architect for your project, try to have a detailed estimates so that you will have an exact concrete amount of your project. Coz in our case as designer/contractor, we usually gave a detailed estimates so as to avoid conflict later on with our clients coz most of the time clients and contractors argue on the additional works during the period of construction...just my two cents
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