Joke of the day
Warning! Consumption of alcohol may…leave you wondering what happened to your trousers
Joke of the day
Warning! Consumption of alcohol may…leave you wondering what happened to your trousers
Quote of the day
John Fogerty - “No, but I've always felt that with true talent, and a commitment to hard work, it is possible to achieve an enduring respect and appreciation. In other words, I don't take my fans for granted.”
Article: 7 rules of attracting abundance
Fitness tip: Avoid striking the pavement with your heels—save that for your power walks. "When you walk, you keep one foot in contact with the ground, while running has a moment of weightlessness in the stride," says Alex Figueroa, a running coach and creator of Priority1 Wellness in Miami Beach. Running with a heel landing can contribute to back and knee pain.
Food tip: Blue M&Ms- Food dyes aren't the first thing you think of when you think about health. But bizarrely, the blue food dye found in M&Ms (and Gatorade) could be helpful in reducing damage caused by spine injuries, according to research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Scientists at the University of Rochester Medical Center found that when they injected the compound Brilliant Blue G (BBG) into rats suffering spinal cord injuries, it sped up their recovery and ability to walk.
Joke of the day
De-stress yourself by…make a list of things to do that you’ve already done
Quote of the day
William Burroughs - “Desperation is the raw material of drastic change. Only those who can leave behind everything they have ever believed in can hope to escape.”
Fitness tip: Leaping forward while you run is inefficient and an energy drain. Instead, stand tall and lean forward, and when you feel like you are going to fall, step forward just enough to catch yourself. This should be the length of your stride. It takes less energy to fall than to reach your foot in front of you.
Food tip: Cheese Whiz- Trans fats are generally a dietary no-no. But one natural trans fat, known as conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), is an exception; it actually has anti-cancer attributes. Cheese Whiz turns out to have more of this cancer-fighting compound than any regular cheese, according to research.
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