(quoted from
1 Wear protective gear.
At the least you should have a jacket, helmet, gloves, long pants, and ankle boots.
2 Ride at your own pace.
3 Ride at your own pace.
This can't be stressed enough. Pick your spots; evaluate the conditions thoroughly, then ride at your own pace! Do not play catch-up or keep-up. Never ride your motorcycle beyond the level where the feelings of fun and enjoyment turn to anxiety and hurry. You don't have anything to prove to anyone. The only people you have an obligation to are the people you go home to. Most motorcycle accidents are caused by rider error, like riding faster than they are comfortable or should be riding in an area that they don't know too well. So remember, no one will mind if they have to hold up at the next stop and wait for you. You shouldn't be trying to keep up. It's more important that you get there than get there fast.
4 Leave a bubble of space around yourself and other riders/vehicles.
Avoid violating each other's space, particularly on a rider's right hand side.
5 Ride with common sense.
Don't go screaming through small towns. If you're going to pass someone on a double, slow down so you don't have a closing speed of 50 mph...and don't come back into their lane on their front bumper. Our friends in blue are out in force this summer (as some of use have found out already) and they're tired of sport bikers riding recklessly.
6 The Art of Passing (not gas):
a) Choose your passes.
Don't just follow other riders; make sure every pass is safe before you make it. (This kind of goes with the rest of them)
b) Never pass a rider who is either:
i. In a position to pass another vehicle
ii. Potentially going to pass another vehicle
iii. Is passing another vehicle.
c) Make sure you get all the way to the right of the lane as you safely can after a pass if someone is behind you. This way they won't have to try and squeeze in or fly by you.
d) In tight traffic, pass vehicles one rider at a time. Always pass such that the rider ahead of you is not required to make room for you to complete your pass.
e) Let faster riders pass. If someone is behind you, and they came up on you pretty fast, or you don't feel too comfortable with them behind you, then slow down for a second and wave them by. They will appreciate it, and you should feel better as well as less crowded.