youtube's beginning to be a very good fad IMO, dunno if it's because i only got to know it recently or it;s because of the sudden surge of youtube celebs popping up around i.e. lonelygirl15, david skyler. at first i felt it was wierd actually seeing people express themselves this way especially americans with their random rants and all., but thinking about it,it's even rawer and fresher this way.
ima post mine soon. they're about this MMORPG i'm playing currently but i've placed music into it that should sound good for generally everyone. but this thread is anything goes, who knows, the next youtube celeb might be a pinoy, a cebuano even, or better yet, an istoryan. you may also post your fave youtube clips even if they're not yours!!
blogs and freindster and multiply stand aside, welcome vlogs and vloggers!!