mao ba... ok thank you for the info...
yeah, na dragging na ang Galacticamas nindot gihapon ang Stargate, its a fun series, nindot ang interaction between characters, like what's up with Jack and Sam
Lagi, ambot lang if i-develop gyud sa mga writers ang 'chemistry' nila... Sige kog tanaw sa mga wiki og forums, wala man gyud (except sa katong mga alternate selves nila sa parallel worlds).Originally Posted by darkwing
Really like the guns they use sa Stargate SG-1 (especially sa Season 5). Really dig those P90's SG-1 primarily uses.
yup basin sa next half sa season 10 or the direct to DVD movies ma resolve gyud nabut i'm hoping kung dili ma dayon ang season 11, mo transfer ang characters sa SG Atlantis
gud choice gyud ang P90's kay gamay siya hehehe
Nindot gyud siya para close quarters nga combat... very effective agaisnt those Replicators (whom I percieve to be the greatest threat to anyone whether sa SG-1 or Atlantis series).Originally Posted by darkwing
when kaha mogawas ang Stargate SG-1 Season 10 Ep. 11.....
next year pa, murag march or aprilana gyud na ilang style naay Fall break...
hehehe pildi ang replicators sa old skul tech, pati ang Asgard bilib sa Tauri hahahOriginally Posted by cooldude75ph
:mrgreen:Originally Posted by darkwing
OMGooosh I love Stargate. I think it's Jack's sarcasm that made stargate's characters interesting and cool. Kana gyung manupo na siya'g mga aliens hahaha. 've been watching stargate in sci-fi since I got here. I don't know about this Mitchell guy... it's been a while since I last saw the new episodes basin lahi pud iyang style.
I like Stargate Atlantis too kay gwapo kaayo si Sheppard. And the wraiths... ugly kaayo magpangulba ta ug magdung na. And Rodney McKay? Hahaha talawan kaayo... puti kaayo ug itlog.
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