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  1. #371

    Default Re: Chung hua hospital nawng ug kwarta?

    Quote Originally Posted by rajamari View Post
    saun nalang kung way kwarta...faetzzzz
    then go sa hospital na kaya ra sa imo kwarta...ayaw ipugos u self sa dili nimo ma-afford...simple d ba.....faetzzzzz jud mao dili ta mopataka ug paadmit na dili nato kaya...public hospital kaya ra

  2. #372

    Default Re: Chung hua hospital nawng ug kwarta?

    Quote Originally Posted by I_dontknow View Post
    "non profit organization" bisan parking fee mu collect gehapun per hour in one day makabayad ka ug 360pesos ? . maypa citom sa gawas
    then find a free arking lot...simple if bug-atan ka na mobayad..hahaha...big deal

  3. #373

    Default Re: Chung hua hospital nawng ug kwarta?

    ana...kada lhok naay bayad..hahaha

  4. #374

    Default Re: Chung hua hospital nawng ug kwarta?

    Quote Originally Posted by bestial_warlust View Post
    wow this is soooo horrible exp. 57k-60k? para sa matag-tiki? asa man ta anang kwartaha? basin grabe infection bai?

    can some1 enlighten aning sakita nganong ingon ana gidak-on ang gastohon? kung naay dr. dinhi pls. discuss
    in d first place bai kinsa man pagbuot na dalaon nimo sa chong hua...if advice sa doctor na operahan then dili nimo kaya bai dili man makapugos ang hospital then transfer immediately to other hospital that u prefer like perpetual as u have sunod hop dili ka magpaadmit sa chong hua or ur siblings parents and relatives sa perpetual nalang

  5. #375

    Default Re: Chung hua hospital nawng ug kwarta?

    Quote Originally Posted by EvenStar View Post
    taxes bro,nag work ko sa country nga free health care.operahan ka or ma admit kas hospital wa kay ibayad bisan isa ka cent inig gawas nimo.but we have to pay taxes for about 40% (if single) sa among sweldo but atleast daghan ug benefits other than free health care.

    ambot pwede ba na diri sa pinas if dako kaayog tax.

    OnTopic: yup mahal jud ning hospitala hasta cotton buds or swabs nga nagamit pabayran pa nimo.basta nakasuway ko diri ug pa admit grabe pag gawas nako ang bill kay isa ka tuba ang gitas-on sa papel....paeta!
    of course bai pabayran jud kay wala man pud na nila na-purchase for free...hahaha...wala nay free adto ka sa department store free ba ang cotton buds and swabs...swerte mo....think first before u made a comment...asa mang free ug cotton buds and swabs bai ky mo-pila ko didto 24 hours ganahan ko ana ba

  6. #376
    Junior Member Premium Member
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    Jun 2011

    Default Re: Chung hua hospital nawng ug kwarta?

    Guys ang gals Chong Hua Hospital is the only hospital outside metro manila na JCI accredited.ka level nila ang St lukes, makati medical center, Asian Hospital and Medical City.recognized sila world wide tungod sa accreditation nila.

  7. #377

    Default Re: Chung hua hospital nawng ug kwarta?

    wa tay mahimo ana kay the cost of everything and even healthcare will go up.
    Maski ganahan pata magdugay sa kalibutan, if wala jud ta kwarta ganahan nata mamatay hehehe.

    what we can do are

    1. increase cashflow
    2. get enough healthcare coverage while wa pa ni retire
    3. save for retirement healthcare and pension on our own. SSS and Philhealth are a joke.

  8. #378
    C.I.A. nilo_pepito's Avatar
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    Default Re: Chung hua hospital nawng ug kwarta?

    kung maglisod gyud mo budget sa hospital kay lisod gyud rong panahona even kanang mga pinakadatu dha kung cancer na gani ang sakit mahurot gyud nang kwarta bisan asa pa nga hospital if I wer u tuo nalang mo faith healing or albularyo kay kung ari gani tag doctor sus dako kaayo bayranan nya wla pay guarantee maayo labi na kung ang findings is cancer mao nay gi ingon ato nalang ihad atong kinabuhi sa albularyo anyway kung pagbout sa ginoo asa to kutob din dha ra gyud ta die today and die tomorrow are just d same

  9. #379

    Default Re: Chung hua hospital nawng ug kwarta?

    dako jud kalainan sa chong hua ug uban hospital, naadmit ko last year, 2 days ra nya sa suka ra nako, 13k dayon ako bill! pero sa shh, wa man kaabot 5k, mas atiman pa ko sa mga nurse sa shh kay from time to time pagacheckon ka, sa chh, hapit nako mahutdi ug IV, usa pa sila niduol pag adto sa ako sis...just sharing my experience!

  10. #380

    Default Re: Chung hua hospital nawng ug kwarta?

    simply, chong hua is obviously a business.. its never ethical na mobalibad kag patient tungod kay walay eka down.. and it will never be ethical.. yes sakto na quality healthcare man sad jud nuon sila but it made me think buh na murag ang pobre wala nalay katungod mag 'quality healthcare' kay tungod tagaktak dayun imu singkomil paadmit lang.. i've heard alot of stories ana mga patients intawn nga nahan kaayu mo avail ug quality healthcare.. but unsaon man intawn wala man jud mahimu mao agwanta nalang adto sotto magdasuk.. sotto utro pud..

    ---sorry for my words, but these are just some of what i see these days..

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