Originally Posted by
If you're affected by other people's post, then you're letting it affect you. Don't let it affect you, otherwise you'd lose sleep over it. I admit I've pissed other people off in this forum and I've been annoyed numerous times, but as soon as I walk away from the monitor, I forget all of it. I try to separate online life from real life---and I know this is hard for some people.
i agree with you

this is not reality that you have to get affected of,
anyways it depends on your purpose here ^^
i think i have been here long enough to know that there are really a lot of annoying guys around
but if you can't deal with them you will end up with a ruined day
you know, some guys here are bad at some threads and they will really annoy you but if you try to explore, there are some threads that they are really helpful