This is kinda long.. so pls be patient when reading
I have this guy friend, who im very close to. To me, he's equivalent to a best friend.When i look at him, i see a
sibling, somewhat. Just like how us, girls, look at our best friends as sisters. Us girls, we have a tendency to tell EVERYTHING to our best friends. Now, i don't have too many "best" friends. In fact,
i'm quite a loner. so losing a friend is something i want to avoid.
I am completely aware that he has romantic feelings towards me, however; he knows very well that i have someone else whom i'm committed to. But yet, since he knows that he and i will be nothing more, or nothing less than friends, he continues to stay by me with his feelings restrained.
Throughout my relationship with my bf, id experience frustrating arguments and doubts(which is normal), and id always confide to my friend to listen when i blabber or nag.
Just like friends, we sit and talk about the situation.
In usual cases, we talk on the phone and i complain about what's happening and he gives me advice or calms me down. He gave up his night life just to talk to me and keep me company (on the phone ofcourse). To me, talking on the phone for hours with best friends is absolutely normal.
BUT - He says he doesnt expect me to do anything in return, but he feels frustrated. That he doesnt benefit from this at all! because all he's done, by giving up his social life, sleep time, etc; and for what? just a friend? he felt like he was acting as a second-bf. that i was taking him for granted; he said it was cruel of me, knowing fully of his feelings for me, and yet i voluntarily use him as a relief when my bf doesnt give me the attention i expect.
Ofcourse, i felt terrible... guilty. I personally didnt think that i was doing anything wrong - i wasnt cheating. all i did was treat him like how i usually treat my best-friends. confiding in each other is what we girls do anyways. Perhaps i forgot that fact that he ISNT a girl, and that i crossed the line. I was the inconsiderate one.
Still, after that confrontation, he would still insist that i confide in him when i have problems, or want company. So, i acted like i always did. i never changed.
Deep down inside, i feel horrible. he does what he does coz of his emotions for me, even knowing that i cannot accept it. if i tell him not to be so affectionate 'coz it'll only be hurting him since i cannot accept his feelings, he insists that he does what he wants to.
And yet, times where he says that im selfish and ignorant of his efforts and show no appreciation for what he is doing.
I'm confused! If i do that, then i might very well be emotionally cheating on my bf, which i DO NOT PLAN on doing. and yet he still continues with his affection. I've turned him down many times but he voluntarily keeps at it.
How can i be the good guy , by not committing an offense to my relationship with my bf, and also not hurt this friend of mine?