Happy Toons: Cartoon Illustration Services

It's all about Cartoons. Perfect for your Business personalize cartoon, A unique present for your love ones, For Profile Pictures, Illustrations, for website graphics and for print. And Here You have the freedom to customize!

Services Offered:
* Cartoon Logo
* Caricatures
* Illustrations
* Animal Cartoon
* Birthday Party Invitation Design

* At least 300 dpi resolution
* Image file will be delivered in .JPEG or .PNG format
* Any Size
* Need your instructions and Reference photos (if necessary)
* Delivering period is within 2 days
* Payments are processed through PayPal or meet-ups (Image will be stored in a CD and given upon meet-up).

For Cartoon Logos:
P 215 - 1 Graphic and Text in Full Color

For Caricatures:
P 200 per person whole body Full Color

For Illustrations:
P300 per illustration with background and subjects in Full Color

For Animal Cartoon:
P 200 per Animal whole body Full Color

For Birthday Party Invitations:
P350 per design that includes the texts

For Serious Costumer Only

To see some of our works
Add me us in facebook:
Happy Toons | Facebook

Pls call or text 09238633284