Hi guys im here again!! Well.. I just got this column from one of the writers..and hEre’s the pleasure catch!! (ano na naman kaya??) sabi nila… the boxer MaNNy PAcQuiaO has becOme the MuhAmMaD ALi of the PHiLipPiNeS. anO dAw??
BeCAuse of his FAME, many wOuld like to sEe him run for office. The wRiter tHinks that's a bad idea. AkalaiN mO nga naMan pati c PACMAN i-compare daw ba kay MuHaMMaD ALi wOw!! usapang mUSlim na ba ito??(heheh!):mrgreen:
What do u think?? magpapa- convert ba c PACMAN ?Or there are other reasons behind?? hmmm??