let me share my love story sa inyo mga istoryans..
got involved with two guys at the same time. ang first guy kay eldest among 5 siblings. mga 3 years mi sa akong first guy, when this second guy came. a high school friend. 5 pud cla pero cya ang second to the last and the only boy sa manag-igsuon. Silang duha ganahan makig minyo. Ang first guy, gi ingnan na niya ang iyang ginikanan pero nibalibad na ato dayong tuiga, wait usa daw ug mga 2 years kay naa pay mga manghod nga nag skwela. Ang usa pud, ready na dayon anytime, anywhere. Only son baya then usa na lang ka igsuon nya ang nag skwela, the rest are all professionals na. to cut the story short, I married the first guy. Nga tanang gasto sa kasal namo kay puro sa utang. Na hopefully, next month, mahuman na mi ug pangbayad.

let me end my story with a song:
“I’d rather have bad times with you, than good times with someone else
I'd rather be beside you in a storm, than safe and warm by myself
I'd rather have hard times together, than to have it easy apart
I'd rather have the one who holds my heart.."