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  1. #701
    C.I.A. grlnxtdor16's Avatar
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    Default why did God create evil?

    di man c God ang ni create ug evil. gi tagaan gud ta niya ug freedom.kita raman ang nag himo himo ana. c satan mu temp raman. naa raman ghapun sa tao kung e choose niya ang temptation!

  2. #702
    Helio^phobic gareb's Avatar
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    Default why did God create evil?

    Quote Originally Posted by giver_bert
    Then your contention my friend are:
    :arrow: in effec, that if an all-powerful God did not eliminate evil, the He was a devil, or doesn't have the power to control it.. a question of His being omnipotent...
    :arrow: And that the removal of all evil would permit a better, more loving world. Asserting that He would have desired and created such a world because it is clearly superior to the one we have.
    :arrow: Any God that did not follow this logic was not a God of love and of omnipotence, but an evil tryrant, so to speak..
    you could not have rephrased it better. and i take one more step. i say then, that the being that the operational definition/attributes gave (one who is omnipotent, omniscient, omni-benevolent, omnipresent) does not exist. what *may* exist is someone or something that does not qualify the attributes presented above. of course, this is then subject for another thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by giver-bert
    As we have seen, this logic crumbles under its own weight.... the existence of evil is the "side effect" of creating a world with love.. Why does a God allow evil Because He is a God of LOVE.
    it does not crumble. yours does. so what came first, love or evil? circular reasoning renders the argument invalid.

    Quote Originally Posted by giver_bert
    But as we have seen, there are compelling arguments that a world possessing both evil and love is superior to a world where neither is possible...
    so you are trying to say now that the concept of good and evil, for them to exist, they must exist side by side? then god is not necessarily good then. defined as pure good, he then canot exist, based on your postulation. therefore he is good AND evil. can u make urself worship a being like that?

    the problem with this stand is that it defeats the very purpose of the argument. we want a better world, and we justify the existence of evil as a prerequiste for that better world, and saying that there can be no better world except what we have now. err... how about a world wherein evil does not exist altogether? wherein all is supposedly pure good? is it that not better that something that is a mixture of both good and evil?

    Quote Originally Posted by giver_bert
    for God to eliminate evil, He would have to eliminate our capacity of choice... and such a world is inferior to the one we have:
    a world of absolute goodness, absolute bliss, absence of evil... is INFERIOR than a world such as what we have now? that's quite absurd. we have just rendered thousands of years of humanity's unreachable dreams of utopia and heaven as illogical and senseless.

    Quote Originally Posted by giver_bert
    Why does a God allow evil Because He is a God of LOVE.
    in this case then, LOVE necessitates the very existence of evil. therefore LOVE destroys the very fabric of absolute goodness... of the world and of god.

    in this case, it is the very concept of LOVE that destroys the idea that god is 'all-good'. it is the very concept of LOVE that caused humanity to suffer evil.

    something that we tought of as too noble, as in fact, because of this exchange of ideas, been revealed to be the root cause of all evil in the world. amazing...
    “What we call chaos is just patterns we haven't recognized. What we call random is just patterns we cant decipher. What we can't understand we call nonsense. What we can't read we call gibberish.” - Chuck Palahniuk

  3. #703

    Default why did God create evil?

    why did god create evil...

    coz he has a sick game to play...for his own entertainment...if you really think about doesn't make sense...

    why does he keep creating people...why not make them all good in the first they can go to heaven and some to hell...and then when they do go to heaven and to hell...then what...what for? for his own sheer enjoyment?

    daghan man gud nagpa-ilad ni magellan...maypa's rizal ug lapu-lapu...they dared to think for themselves! kung wa moabot si magellan, do you honestly think the majority of the filipino people will believe in the judeo-christian god? i doubt it...

  4. #704

    Default why did God create evil?

    Quote Originally Posted by Plukaking
    OT: but can't help to post this...evolution anyone? nah? then maybe Genesis needs an update/revision...

    The Book of Genesis -- Revised
    Chapters 1 & 2

    Chapter 1

    1. In the beginning God created Dates.

    2. And the date was Monday, July 4, 4004 BC.

    3. And God said, let there be light; and there was light. And when there was Light, God saw the Date, that it was Monday, and he got down to work; for verily, he had a Big Job to do.

    4. And God made pottery shards and Silurian mollusks and pre-Cambrian limestone strata; and flints and Jurassic Mastodon tusks and Picanthopus erectus skulls and Cretaceous placentals made he; and those cave paintings at Lasceaux. And that was that, for the first Work Day.

    5. And God saw that he had made many wondrous things, but that he had not wherein to put it all. And God said, Let the heavens be divided from the earth; and let us bury all of these Things which we have made in the earth; but not too deep.

    6. And God buried all the Things which he had made, and that was that.

    7. And the morning and the evening and the overtime were Tuesday.

    8. And God said, Let there be water; and let the dry land appear; and that was that.

    9. And God called the dry land Real Estate; and the water called he the Sea. And in the land and beneath it put he crude oil, grades one through six; and natural gas put he thereunder, and prehistoric carboniferous forests yielding anthracite and other ligneous matter; and all these called he Resources; and he made them Abundant.

    10. And likewise all that was in the sea, even unto two hundred miles from the dry land, called he resources; all that was therein, like manganese nodules, for instance.

    11. And the morning unto the evening had been a long day; which he called Wednesday.

    12. And God said, Let the earth bring forth abundantly every moving creature I can think of, with or without backbones, with or without wings or feet, or fins or claws, vestigial limbs and all, right now; and let each one be of a separate species. For lo, I can make whatsoever I like, whensoever I like.

    13. And the earth brought forth abundantly all creatures, great and small, with and without backbones, with and without wings and feet and fins and claws, vestigial limbs and all, from bugs to brontosauruses.

    14. But God blessed them all, saying, Be fruitful and multiply and Evolve Not.

    15. And God looked upon the species he hath made, and saw that the earth was exceedingly crowded, and he said unto them, Let each species compete for what it needed; for Healthy Competition is My Law. And the species competeth amongst themselves, the cattle and the creeping things; and some madeth it and some didn't; and the dogs ate the dinosaurs and God was pleased.

    16. And God took the bones from the dinosaurs, and caused them to appear mightily old; and cast he them about the land and the sea. And he took every tiny creature that had not madeth it, and caused them to become fossils; and cast he them about likewise.

    17. And just to put matters beyond the valley of the shadow of a doubt, God created carbon dating. And this is the origin of species.

    18. And in the Evening of the day which was Thursday, God saw that he had put in another good day's work.

    19. And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, which is tall and well-formed and pale of hue; and let us also make monkeys, which resembleth us not in any wise, but are short and ill-formed and hairy. And God added, Let man have dominion over the monkeys and the fowl of the air and every species, endangered or otherwise.

    20. So God created Man in His own image; tall and well-formed and pale of hue created He him, and nothing at all like the monkeys.

    21. And God said, Behold I have given you every herb-bearing seed, which is upon the face of the earth. But ye shall smoketh it not, lest it giveth you ideas.

    22. And to every beast of the earth and every fowl of the air I have given also every green herb, and to them it shall be for meat. But they shall be for you. And the Lord God your Host suggesteth that the flesh of cattle goeth well with that of the fin and the claw; thus shall Surf be wedded unto Turf.

    23. And God saw everything he had made, and he saw that it was very good; and God said, It just goes to show Me what the private sector can accomplish. With a lot of fool regulations this could have taken billions of years.

    24. And the evening of the fifth day, which had been the roughest day yet, God said, Thank me it's Friday. And God made the weekend.
    bwahahaha! good one!

    haay, a lot of clueless pipol...the believers know what god wants, puhleaase... and don't even want to admit god created evil bisag naa na nakasuwat sa ilang bucolic bible...everything in existence is created by god....duh! nya but not evil...pick and choose...always the game ani nila...sila ra mismo nag contradict sa ilang estorbot...bwahahaha!

  5. #705

    Default why did God create evil?

    Isaiah 45
    7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

    he wrestles against the principalities that he himself created he created evil? the creator of evil - is also.. EVIL!

    ...and some atrocities in the bible...

    Destruction of the residents of Canaan

    The Israelites invaded Canaan and, under God's instructions, exterminated seven nations in widespread acts of genocide: the ****, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites. They continued to commit genocide against other groups.

    Deuteronomy 7:1-2: "... the seven nations greater and mightier than thou; And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them."

    Joshua 6:21: "And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword.

    This latter passage describes one event in the invasion of Canaan by the ancient Israelites. After the walls of the city of Jericho fell, the soldiers ran into the city, and killed all its inhabitants: elderly men and women, mature men and women, pregnant women, youths, boys, girls, infants and newborns. Their goal was to entirely wipe out the Canaanite culture by destroying its people; this is one definition of genocide. Incidentally, the people were butchered by the edge of the sword, because the weapons did not have pointed ends.


    Genocides and other extreme atrocities are recorded in:

    Genesis 19: - Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah for being: Uncharitable to their widows, children and poor
    Abusive to strangers.

    More details

    Joshua 8:24 - City of Ai
    Joshua 10:26 - Joshua murdered five defenseless kings of the Amorites in cold blood.
    Joshua 10:28 - City of Makkedah
    Joshua 10:29 - City of Libnah
    Joshua 10:31 - City of Lachish
    Joshua 10:33 - City of Gezer "...Joshua smote him and his people until he had left him none remaining."
    Joshua 10:34 - City of Elgon "They left none remaining."
    Joshua 10:37 - City of Hebron
    Joshua 10:38 - City of Debir
    Numbers 21:2-3 - City of Hormah
    Numbers 21:33-35: Land of Bashan "...they smote him, and his sons, and all his people, until there was none left him alive: and they possessed his land."
    Deuteronomy 2:21-24: The Ammonite, Horim, and Avim people.
    Deuteronomy 2:26-35 - Land of Heshbon "...we took all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the men, and the women, and the little ones, of every city, we left none to remain."
    Judges 4:16 - City of Sisera


    The near murder of Isaac:

    In Genesis 22:1-18, God decided to test the depth of Abraham's faith. God ordered Abraham to travel to the top of a mountain in the land of Moriah, and there murder his own son, Isaac, as a human sacrifice. At the last minute, as Abraham was about to stab his son to death, an angel appeared and ordered Abraham to stop. A ram which was caught in a thicket was used as a substitute for Isaac. The passage assumes that God is not omniscient, because he did not know the depth of faith of Abraham without testing him in this way. The immorality of this story is the massive traumatic stress that both Isaac and his father experienced during this event. Compounding this is the willingness of a father to murder his own son. It is doubtful that either would have been able to be fully normal afterwards.


    Murder of 42 little children:

    2 Kings 2:23-24: "And he [Elisha] went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head. And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them."

    Elisha, a Prophet, was ridiculed by some little children who called him a name like "old baldy". Elisha laid a curse on them in God's name. God appears to have responded to the curse by sending two bears out of the woods who tare (tore up, killed) 42 of the little children.


    Murdering a whole family:

    Joshua 7:20-25: "...Achan answered Joshua, and said, Indeed I have sinned against the LORD God of Israel... And Joshua, and all Israel with him, took Achan the son of Zerah, and the silver, and the garment, and the wedge of gold, and his sons, and his daughters, and his oxen, and his asses, and his sheep, and his tent, and all that he had: and they brought them unto the valley of Achor. And Joshua said, Why hast thou troubled us? the LORD shall trouble thee this day. And all Israel stoned him with stones, and burned them with fire, after they had stoned them with stones."

    During the siege of Jericho, God had instructed Joshua to have the army avoid taking any loot from the city. Everything was to be destroyed. Only objects of silver and gold and utensils of bronze and iron were to be taken, and these were to be dedicated to God. Achan had violated these orders. He had taken and hidden a Babylonian robe, and a few thousand's of dollars worth of silver and gold. Because of Achan's sin, God allowed the Israelite army to be defeated in a battle for Ai, a small city close to Jericho. Many lives were lost. Achan confessed his sin. His punishment was death by stoning. Afterwards, his body was burned. But in addition to executing Achan, the Israelites stoned and burned his sons, his daughters, his animals and his tent. Apparently, his wife was already dead because she was not mentioned in this passage; otherwise she would have undoubtedly been murdered and burned as well.


    very disturbing - reminds one of the Salem Witch Hunts, the Inquisition, and a whole lot more (bosnia, serbia, the holocaust) - all highly inspired historically documented events.

  6. #706

    Default why did God create evil?

    i think God did not create evil, it just evolved........... (dba the fallen angel Lucifer originated evil).......God somehow allows it to happen to test us and make us stronger, but even thought there is evil, He never leaves us. He gave us the freedom of choice but in the end His will be done....

    that's wat i personally think

  7. #707

    Default why did God create evil?

    Para sa ako gi create ang evil aron mabahin ang soul sa tawo kay basin dili unya kaigo sa heaven....... hehehehehehe

  8. #708

    Default why did God create evil?

    if we are the ones who created the concept of evil then
    we are also the one who created the concept of GOD therefore GOD is not true

    get the logic?

  9. #709

    Default why did God create evil?

    so that theres balance in life...

  10. #710

    Default why did God create evil?

    pareha ra gud sa sugar n salt... ang ang man pud puro lang ta sugar or puro lang ta salt...

    think about it.... hehehe

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