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  1. #321

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Quote Originally Posted by ronna
    wa lage ko kasabot sa poll.

    guys, why man naa laki na in denial sa ila feelings?
    di ka sulti unsa jud ila na feel..?
    pwedi profound?

    hehehe kung dili siya ka sulti ikaw nalang btaw tingali naoverwhelm lang siya sa iya emotions na dili na niya malitok iya gibati try to obseve some subtleties sa iyaha and you take it from there

  2. #322

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    what matters is not how long you both have been together
    question is do you love him enough to give him a second chance?

  3. #323

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    sakit jud kaau ang nahitabo nako ron. i was dating someone for around 2 months. den we decided to become serious and exclusive. we lasted for 8 months. to make it short, we went through some rough spots and we decided to cool off. pero kami gihapon daw. that was three weeks ago. we still communicated and all. den he stopped texting and calling me for a week. i just waited and waited for him and nothing ever came. last night, he texted me. he said that he had just gotten married. he got married last monday. to a girl he met about a month ago. sakit jud kaau. but the worst thing about it all is that about a week ago (on exactly the day he supposedly got married), I found out that I was pregnant, and it was his. pero nag huwat ko mo contact cya nako to tell him, so i never got the chance to tell him. I had my ultrasound done and the doctor told me my baby only had 15% chance of survival because of its placement, it was too low. I had a miscarriage on friday night. double ang sakit. ambot jud. karon murag kog bato. wala pa jud ko naka hilak. ganahan ko mo hilak , pero dili man mo.gawas. feel nako mura nakog bato ron.

  4. #324

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    last night, he texted me. he said that he had just gotten married. he got married last monday. to a girl he met about a month ago.

    @anya: believe it or not, while i was reading your post and came across this line, naguba ako nawng kadyot og naka ingon jd kog

    damn, sakita.. i can't imagine myself being in that situation.. i don't care if i'm the guy or i'm YOU.. still, it's not an easy thing to deal with in the first place.. i'm sorry about the miscarriage.. d lalim..

    now tell you what, the problem lies between the two of you and how you guys had the "cool off" when in fact both of you never have parted ways to start out with.. the guy is partly to be blamed, why? he made the situation bad by not texting you and worst, married another girl.. so here you are, wondering why this and that has to happen.. and yeah let's face it, HE JUST LEFT YOU HANGING..

    what's the best way to handle your situation? there's no such thing and i can't find the answer.. i can tell you HOW to handle it though and that is----->accept the situation and live with it.. go on with your life.. life has so much to offer..

  5. #325

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Anya, my gulay what a loving experience you had. I feel your pain. C'mon you can cry on my shoulders. Perhaps it has not hit you. It will. Things happen for a reason. You might have lost him but in a way you have gained strength. The miscarriage was a blessing in disguise for you. You still have so much to be thankful for. Having to go through an experience such as yours will make you a better person cause of the learning experience you have drawn from it. So the next time, there will be triggers and you will know how to handle any man that comes your way. In every negative experience there's always something good to learn from it. Just keep that in mind. You can give your physical self to a guy but leave some of that emotion for reserve in case the going gets bad, then you'll have that at least to fall back on. Daghan pa moabot sa imong life and when the right guy comes, you will be happy and you wont feel pain. Its funny how it is when you fall in love and you lose that person you love, you feel and think its the end of the world and you can never go on without him. But given time when you are over that person, you'll just laugh over those experiences and say to yourself...gee! how did i get involved with that guy on the first place?...he is just bad-looking, unattractive, etc., heheh cheer up! look at yourself in the mirror everyday and notice just how beautiful you are. Love yourself and dont neglect that child in you that needs your love and affection. Take care of that child that's crying out for pain. She is more important than the rest of the world. She needs your love. Its you.

  6. #326

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Quote Originally Posted by anya
    sakit jud kaau ang nahitabo nako ron. i was dating someone for around 2 months. den we decided to become serious and exclusive. we lasted for 8 months. to make it short, we went through some rough spots and we decided to cool off. pero kami gihapon daw. that was three weeks ago. we still communicated and all. den he stopped texting and calling me for a week. i just waited and waited for him and nothing ever came. last night, he texted me. he said that he had just gotten married. he got married last monday. to a girl he met about a month ago. sakit jud kaau. but the worst thing about it all is that about a week ago (on exactly the day he supposedly got married), I found out that I was pregnant, and it was his. pero nag huwat ko mo contact cya nako to tell him, so i never got the chance to tell him. I had my ultrasound done and the doctor told me my baby only had 15% chance of survival because of its placement, it was too low. I had a miscarriage on friday night. double ang sakit. ambot jud. karon murag kog bato. wala pa jud ko naka hilak. ganahan ko mo hilak , pero dili man mo.gawas. feel nako mura nakog bato ron.

    OMG!!! Anya, this is probably one of the saddest stories I have ever heard. I don't mean to make you feel any worse, but accepting the truth that life MUST go on -- no matter what -- is the first step to healing. I know I'm not the best person to give adivices considering I've never really been there or done that in so much as having an event alter my life, but I feel for you.

    If you feel so "bato", that is understandable. Give yourself time. (Time heals.) But you need not go through it alone. Pray to God. If this has happened to you, it must be for a reason. Think positively. Do not give up.

    And if you still feel "hanging" because you haven't really completely broken up and you want answers from the guy, I don't know if now is the time to do that. As I said, you might want to give yourself a break. Find answers elsewhere, keeping in mind that things happen for a reason.. and that you're not the only person experiencing such hurt.

    @Streetcar, she had a miscarriage. I think that also happened for a reason. I think that kid would have been better off in heaven (or limbo) than here on Earth and not having a kind of father that one so deserves.

    Anya, be strong. It might not be so easy now but please try. And hopefully, you will let go and move on. Jugs has said it already, and I will say it again... LIFE HAS STILL SO MUCH TO OFFER. (When there is life, there is hope.)

  7. #327

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...


    .... i feel for you gurl... i know how you're going through right now..
    God has His own way.. Please dont forget to pray and ask for His guidance..
    Cry and let the pain out... Forgive him... May your baby's soul in peace now..
    You'll be happier... DOnt give up... :mrgreen:

  8. #328

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    thanks (jugs_06, streetcar, MyMaria, & ronna) for all the comforting words u shared. d jud ni lalim, pero im trying to move on wid my life. the wounds are still very fresh. i had two losses, but i know i should deal with healing myself first. i had a psychia consult and I was advised to see a therapist 3 times a week to talk about my feelings. i still havent cried, and even if i try, i still can't. i know i should do something about that because once i get through that then I can move on completely. the hardest thing is that i can't seem to recall some of the things that happened the night i had my miscarriage, everything is all a blur in my head. i hope the therapy will work and i will be able to make everything clear. about the guy..? well. there is no guy to me anymore. he called last night, but i didn't pick it up. i don't see the point why we should talk na. he's married, and anything he says from now on won't change anything. im over him. surprisingly, it was quite easy, far from what i thought. i still think about him once in a while during the day, but the feeling is different. i don't feel like i need him anymore, because after what he did, i know that if i leaned on him, i might just fall down. but i dont have any hard feelings towards him. there is a reason why this happened to me. and in time, i hope i will find out why, by myself. again, thanks for everything u guys. knowing that there are people, that i dont know personally, who care about me is very comforting.

  9. #329

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    Anya, yes we care about people. You'll always find comfort here. There's lots of good and caring people here. Keep up with that positive disposition. You dont need that guy he is a jerk. You'll find someone better in time. I hope it gets easier everyday for you. Time will heal. You take care.

  10. #330

    Default Re: LOVE PROBLEMS ( post em all here ) READ FIRST POST...

    that's my girl.. hang in there!

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