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  1. #1151

    Default Re: What Is The Cause Of High Fuel Prices?

    Quote Originally Posted by binarypill View Post
    was refering to this:

    kung taas ang fuel prices ... more money sa ato current administration kai percentage baya ang taxes

    i also considered your post OT because you are not bringing anything to the discussion and instead redirecting the problem to your own personal grudge against the current administration.
    dili mana personal grudge sir
    sa current administration bitaw padung ato taxes
    alangan sa previous or future administration

    Quote Originally Posted by binarypill View Post
    the high price of gasoline cannot be blamed solely on taxation. common sense will tell you that, if it were the fault of taxation, then the problem of high fuel prices would only be localized here in our country. it is not. it is spread all over the world and the only countries who are immune are those who produce fuel themselves.
    based sa imo statement murag isa siya sa cause

    Quote Originally Posted by PaYaSo View Post
    ^^ and what you will get from the masakiton out of your long agrument is a three liner with a two thumbs up smileys
    gi monitor napud ko nimo sir
    atleast dili parihas sa imo gi post nga wala jud relation sa topic

  2. #1152

    Default Re: What Is The Cause Of High Fuel Prices?

    again, i am not saying that taxes (not he, but taxes) have no effect on the price. there is an effect. however, it is not the biggest factor. far from it. otherwise, the problem would have been isolated only in the philippines. why is that so hard to see?

  3. #1153

    Default Re: What Is The Cause Of High Fuel Prices?

    Quote Originally Posted by binarypill View Post
    again, i am not saying that taxes (not he, but taxes) have no effect on the price. there is an effect. however, it is not the biggest factor. far from it. otherwise, the problem would have been isolated only in the philippines. why is that so hard to see?
    since naa man effect sa price ang tax.. so isa siya sa cause
    why is that so hard to see?
    sa topic wala baya naka state nga "biggest factor"

    mao na sir.. apil pud ang mga government taxes sa naka pa saka sa price
    nag ka mahal ang fuel. mag ka dako ang amount sa tax nga mo adto sa current administration
    Last edited by masakiton; 05-20-2011 at 04:22 AM.

  4. #1154
    Junior Member
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    Default Re: What Is The Cause Of High Fuel Prices?

    Hey guys,

    masakiton do have a point. (this is still a free country with freedom of speech) I dont think any poster has the right to censor.

    How about this: Are you mature enough to play speculator?

    If yes, then if you expect prices in the world market to go down because of recent events( bin ladin, economy, stronger dollar, etc) then do not buy fuel or use less.

    on the other hand, if you expect prices to go up, then get hold of a big tanker, fill up with fuel. I did this october 2010, the diesel in my 1000 liter tank cost Php36.00. This is fuel for my backup generator so I can not use it for daily basis. If prices continue to drop below Php36, I lose.

    just my thoughts.

  5. #1155

    Default Re: What Is The Cause Of High Fuel Prices?

    Quote Originally Posted by masakiton View Post
    since naa man effect sa price ang tax.. so isa siya sa cause
    why is that so hard to see?
    sa topic wala baya naka state nga "biggest factor"

    mao na sir.. apil pud ang mga government taxes sa naka pa saka sa price
    nag ka mahal ang fuel. mag ka dako ang amount sa tax nga mo adto sa current administration
    that's not my problem with your posts. i acknowledge it and have acknowledged it previously if you'd just care to read earlier posts.

    my problem is this:

    nag ka mahal ang fuel. mag ka dako ang amount sa tax nga mo adto sa current administration
    i notice you are overloading that term. i am not a supporter of the current president. i find him weak willed and his only redeeming point is that he is way below the corruption level that was achieved by the previous administration. but your constant whining about him is annoying and has no place in this discussion. i am also aware of online movements seeking to discredit the current president and this has made your posts especially annoying.

    with all due respect, sir/madam masakiton, could you please leave this kind of posts out of this thread? i welcome your points but please do not make this thread a place where you can launch your attacks on the current administration. the country is having enough trouble as it is without people like you trying to derail the efforts of the current administration (there, i even helped with your SEO overloading)

  6. #1156

    Default Re: What Is The Cause Of High Fuel Prices?

    Quote Originally Posted by aulim View Post
    Hey guys,

    masakiton do have a point. (this is still a free country with freedom of speech) I dont think any poster has the right to censor.

    How about this: Are you mature enough to play speculator?

    If yes, then if you expect prices in the world market to go down because of recent events( bin ladin, economy, stronger dollar, etc) then do not buy fuel or use less.

    on the other hand, if you expect prices to go up, then get hold of a big tanker, fill up with fuel. I did this october 2010, the diesel in my 1000 liter tank cost Php36.00. This is fuel for my backup generator so I can not use it for daily basis. If prices continue to drop below Php36, I lose.

    just my thoughts.
    not a speculator but a smart consumer. to be a speculator, i'd need a ton of money. at the moment, i don't even have a gram of cash on me.

    also, great idea on having a backup tanker for fuel! how did you do it? can you post some pics? it's definitely a good idea but some points of concern (and i hope you could address them):

    1. how much does a 1000 liter tank cost?
    2. what kind of tank is safe to store diesel/gasoline?
    3. what safety precautions should we take?
    4. how many months before the fuel goes stale?

    again, awesome idea and a great addition to the discussion! thanks!

  7. #1157

    Default Re: What Is The Cause Of High Fuel Prices?

    Quote Originally Posted by binarypill View Post
    i notice you are overloading that term. i am not a supporter of the current president. i find him weak willed and his only redeeming point is that he is way below the corruption level that was achieved by the previous administration. but your constant whining about him is annoying and has no place in this discussion. i am also aware of online movements seeking to discredit the current president and this has made your posts especially annoying.

    with all due respect, sir/madam masakiton, could you please leave this kind of posts out of this thread? i welcome your points but please do not make this thread a place where you can launch your attacks on the current administration. the country is having enough trouble as it is without people like you trying to derail the efforts of the current administration (there, i even helped with your SEO overloading)
    mas ganahan man ko mo gamit sa term sa current admin kai sa government
    asa man diay na padung ang mga taxes sir.. diba sa current administration?
    wala baya savings ang atong nasud para sa ma gamit sa mga future administration

  8. #1158
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by binarypill View Post
    1. how much does a 1000 liter tank cost?
    2. what kind of tank is safe to store diesel/gasoline?
    3. what safety precautions should we take?
    4. how many months before the fuel goes stale?

    again, awesome idea and a great addition to the discussion! thanks!
    1. US$200.00 from China- purchased with 1MVA generator. 1000 liters only good for 8 hours.
    2. manufacturer recommended. You can also use drums.
    3. Diesel is not as combustible as gas. The gen room is well ventilated and kept always locked - prevent cranks.
    4. so far generator still starts up normal. unlike gasoline where the octane rating changes due to evaporation.
    Hope I have answered your questions.

    compared to bank deposit, I am already ahead. Php36 then to Php46 now in roughly 7 months.

  9. #1159
    Junior Member
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    Default Re: What Is The Cause Of High Fuel Prices?

    I remember discovery channel featured a car running on used cooking oil. cooking oil= coconut oil which we have a lot of here. It will also help the coconut industry and it is sustainable. I would rather pay the filipino coconut farmer than the arabs.

    how about the filipino inventor who made a car run on water.

    I wonder why it never became popular.
    more alternatives = cheaper fuel

  10. #1160

    Default Re: What Is The Cause Of High Fuel Prices?

    oil deregulation law

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