Yes I want more. I find it funny that most of the things you've mentioned had nothing to do with the game itself. So ako ibalik imo pangutana, basketball ba imo gitan-aw or lifestyle network?*
I don't know who's your fave player but I have an idea, so I'm gonna ask you this, would you rather have a player the one you've mentioned or an accused rapist/adulterer?

tell me.*
next.. so you hate players who doesn't shake hands after a loss, so that means you hate all the celtic players except allen and west? you knew what happened last week right? or you're just nitpicking a certain player you hate? Dude, where's your competitiveness? You hated those guys and then you want to shake their hands?Lol And what's wrong with throwing a jersey after a loss? Dili na diay pwede magpakita ug emotions? What about other players who took off their jerseys, you hate them too? You're nitpicking again. I don't see in your posts that has something to do with basketball. Chill bro, mamatay ka sigeg hate. lol
I'll summarize it nalang kay taas na. It's easy to nitpick a player when he's really good, you'll always see these type of people who'll try to bring them down. everything they do, good or bad, will be magnified.
holler back at me, I'll have my rebuttal ready. *kay wala pa sad ko mahuman. make sure it as something to do with basketball and the way he plays the game. basin puro nya na mga the buzz imoha.*