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  1. #21

    Default Re: How to let your kid start saving

    Negosyante talaga anak ko! Nagbebenta siya ng mga erasers and gel pens sa mga classmates niya. Ngayon kinukulit niya ako magbukas ng savings account! Okay ba ang BPI Jumpstart? Gusto ko ng savings account na pangbata talaga eh.

  2. #22

    Default Re: How to let your kid start saving

    Quote Originally Posted by ashira View Post
    Getting your kids to save money can seem like a challenging proposition. Let’s face it: kids are being brought up in a very materialistic, “keeping up with the Joneses” type of society. They see all kinds of cool toys and gadgets on TV, and they think they have to have them too. The unfortunate fact is that most kids are not being taught how to save that all. For this reason, it’s going to be completely up to the parents to teach their kids how to save for the future and why it’s so important. Here are 10 quick tips for teaching your kids how to save money.

    1. Show them the bills: It’s very important for parents to be realistic with their kids. This means sitting down with them when they’re at a reasonable age and showing them how bills work. If you have to write it down on a dry erase board and explain to them income and outgoing bills.

    2. Splitting up their cash: When a child receives money for their birthday or by way of allowance, get them into the habit of taking a certain portion of that to save. Explain to them that the money is off limits and will be put into a savings account or piggy bank.

    3. Set up an account: When a child hits the age of about six or seven, it’s important for the parents to take them down to the bank and have them set up a savings account. This is something that they can be proud of. Make a game so that they’re very excited about filling out their deposit slips to put money into the bank on a regular basis.

    4. Get a digital savings bank: They’re all kinds of digital savings bank’s available that will count the child’s money and keep track of how much they are saving. Different than your traditional piggy bank, this will be something that a child can regularly look at and see how much money they are accumulating.

    5. Help them set goals: If a child wants to purchase something on the expensive side, help them set a goal of how much money they need to earn in order to buy the item. Maybe they can cut out a picture or even draw one that they can hang on the wall to remind them of what they’re working towards.

    6. Matching: Some parents opt to match their child’s savings as a way of keeping them motivated. Similar to how an employer will match a 401(k) contribution, offer to match a child’s savings dollars for dollar. This is a great way to work with a teenager who wants to buy a car!

    7. Modeling: By far, the best way to show your child how important saving money is would be to model it in your own behavior. If a child grows up in a home where money is never discussed or the idea of savings is never brought up, they will have no idea how to handle their own financial affairs.

    8. Talk about how to spend money: When your child wants to spend their money on something, have an open and honest talk with them about whether or not the item is really worth the money. For instance, if a child gets $50 from their grandparents for Christmas and wants to immediately spend it, work with them on deciding whether or not the item they want to purchase is worth the investment.

    9. Talk about the future: As a child gets older, it might be worth it to sit down with them and show them how money grows using compound interest. Kids are often amazed to see how much money grows over time if you just leave it alone!

    nice... ako mom kato bata pako gibuhatan pud ko savings account.... resulta = tihik kaayo ko pagdako! ni work jud hehehehe

  3. #23

    Default Re: How to let your kid start saving

    start by giving them their own piggy banks....

  4. #24

    Default Re: How to let your kid start saving

    Hi Mommies! Nahirapan ako turuan ang darling ko magsave. Pano ba dapat and saan maganda?

  5. #25

    Default Re: How to let your kid start saving

    For me, let them see, those kids on the street and teach them the reality of this world and Value of Life.

  6. #26

    Default Re: How to let your kid start saving

    My son is currently starting in grade 1.
    Piggy bank lang sa ako i-introduce niya.
    after he appreciates the fact na motubo na ang kwarta, I will introduce him to mutual funds for higher returns. Mao ni ako 5 year goal.

  7. #27

    Default Re: How to let your kid start saving

    Quote Originally Posted by and_reau View Post
    Hi Mommies! Nahirapan ako turuan ang darling ko magsave. Pano ba dapat and saan maganda?
    Why don’t you open a savings account for her?

  8. #28

    Default Re: How to let your kid start saving

    I agree. Meron ako account sa BPI for my son.

  9. #29

    Default Re: How to let your kid start saving

    Bpi jumpstart bay an? Very good idea. Okay ba service nila?

  10. #30

    Default Re: How to let your kid start saving

    Does opening a savings account really teach kids how to save? My sister opened BPI Jumpstart accounts for her kids and they’re so much more kuripot now! What do you ladies think?

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