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  1. #41

    Default Re: anytips on how to save money?

    di mo gasto sa di importanteng butang

  2. #42

    Default Re: anytips on how to save money?

    Quote Originally Posted by chan2015 View Post
    di mo gasto sa di importanteng butang
    Sakto. "Separate your wants from your needs." Most people karon kay sige lang ug night life, kuyog sa mga barkada inom, palit ug butang nga mahalon kay mao may "uso" or para "sikat" ka tan-awon. Duh? Ang ending kay buslot ang bulsa unya mag labad ang ulo asa mangita ug kwarta.

  3. #43

    Default Re: anytips on how to save money?

    Quote Originally Posted by toinkmaecil View Post
    Sa lahat ng seniors – Bora ba kayo after grad? Tipid mode na! Any tips on how I can save more? Naka guaranteed savings ako sa BPI Jumpstart! For sure I have P10K na yay!
    Bora after graduation? You have 10k savings na? Yay!! But you know what, you can enjoy life after graduation without burning so much money. Ngano Bora man jud pre? Kay sikat? Naay daghan lugar diri sa pinas (even here sa cebu) nga mas nindot pa sa bora and you'll even get to spend less.

  4. #44

    Default Re: anytips on how to save money?

    ayaw cge kuyog sa social climer nga frendz ...mao na maka daot

  5. #45
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    Default Re: anytips on how to save money?

    Quote Originally Posted by masakiton View Post
    open ug BDO account nga walai ATM
    this is really a nice idea. nibuhat nako ana and it works jud..

    second, you must have a part time online, get odd jobs if you like den open paypal account then connect it to EON( kuti pero ka usa ra man sad bungat ana)

    den pagdala ra jd kwarta na kana ra na day..

    sahay mao ni ako emind set ay:
    isipin mo nalang na,

    ikaw ug ikaw ang pinaka pobreee sa tanan pobreeee na nabuhi sa kalibutan
    para mamotivate kag save
    Last edited by annerhexian; 05-18-2011 at 09:22 AM.

  6. #46
    Senior Member anm's Avatar
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    Jun 2009

    Default Re: anytips on how to save money?

    1. plan ahead. list your menu for the week. this will save you trip to the grocery.
    2. have an inventory for all your necessities for the month, i.e. toiletries.
    3. avoid using credit cards as possible. or better yet don't get any credit cards, they're just temptations.
    4. deposit your extra money to the bank.

  7. #47

    Default Re: anytips on how to save money?

    Quote Originally Posted by anm View Post
    1. plan ahead. list your menu for the week. this will save you trip to the grocery.
    2. have an inventory for all your necessities for the month, i.e. toiletries.
    3. avoid using credit cards as possible. or better yet don't get any credit cards, they're just temptations.
    4. deposit your extra money to the bank.
    kahinomdom ko few years ago pag open nako sa ako POSB account
    gi ingnan ko sa teller nga kung gusto daw ko mag save .. i apil daw nako sa budget kai kung ang ma bilin ang himoon ug savings.. kasagaran mas dali/nindot maka gasto kung naa paka enough money nya hapit na ang ang sweldo

  8. #48

    Default Re: anytips on how to save money?

    Okay pala magka BPI Jumpstart account! Yung kabarkada ko ginagamit lang yung ATM card na parang credit card so di na kailangan humingi ng pera. Whatcha think?

  9. #49

    Default Re: anytips on how to save money?

    be contented of what you have.

  10. #50

    Default Re: anytips on how to save money?

    ayaw cgeg gara gara ig ganahan ka makatigom'

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