Camp Red successfully planted just a few trees but they were well-nurtured. Imagine one single seedling being helped by five participants! A far cry from the hundred seedlings which tree-planting organizers with corporate funding gave to one individual. They just plant and plant without knowing or daring to know if their plants have grown after they have left.
Our young trees were grown in a nursery very near to the planting site and these are very well-acclimatized to the weather of the place where they will be permanently grown unlike the usual tree-planting activity where the seedlings will be carried from far away and in so doing the trees are stressed by travel, handling and climate change.
One more thing, we planted fruit trees. That insures its survival. Fruit trees make additional income to the inhabitants and they will not be tempted to cut it for firewood or for commercial charcoal. We planted canistel (tisa), apple mango, Java plum (lomboy), cacao, coconut, rambutan and a rare looking-glass tree (dongon). We discourage mangoes because caring a mango demands chemicals and fertilizers that would harm the aquifer.
Each tree were protected by five one-meter bamboo stakes and further shielded by bamboo thorns (kagingking). Camp Red give its thanks to the Circle of Friends, thru Green*Point; to Tribu Dumagsa; EWIT Mountaineers; Timex Outdoor Club and the Roble family of Napo.