We are buying Paypal funds instantly, turn your Paypal funds to cash in just few minutes.If you are working online like Odesk you can convert your dollar money to peso in just few minutes.To avoid any dispute on any transaction we have some requirements below.
- Verified Paypal
- Facebook account
- Contact number
- 2 Valid ID
- Proof picture of your card link to your Paypal
How to convert your Paypal funds to cash:
- Contact me on facebook
- Please send all requirements to my Facebook account.
- All transaction will be on facebook and skype only.
We can send money via:
- Smartmoney
- G-cash
- Palawan
- Cebuana
Contact information:
Name: Juan R. Panerio Jr.
Skype: pengaturan123
Mobile: +639152125169
Address: Poblacion,Argao,Cebu
Our website:
#1 www.sulit-unlock.com
#2 www.sulitsl3.com
#3 www.gsmsulit.com
#4 www.x-sim.info
#5 www.gsmcebu.com
Kung naglibug mo ngano nichole name nga use sa akoa fb official fb na sa akoang shop kana si nichole akoa na nga first baby.Sa uban nga sigurista gusto makig meet up kay nagduda hala ari-a lang ko diri sa argao available ko from 9:00am to 11:00pm. Sa mga dili siryoso nga costumer palihug lang ayaw mo pagsamok ug contact nako.
Best Regards
Sulit Unlock Server