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  1. #1

    Default WGA notification, samok!

    Im not sure, kung nana ba nangutana ani dri. Pero mangau lang kog tabang pd.
    Unsaon diay ni? naka encounter ko ani na problem, mag cgeg gawas sa lower right
    sa monitor. samok kaayu! and even sa windows start up, naa pd..

    Honestly, dli jud genuine ako OS. mao mo gawas ni. D sd tawn ko ka afford og
    Licensed. And my OS is, windows XP, service pack 3.. UNSAON diay ni?

    basin naay GENIUS dha, para d nalang ko mangitag GENIUNE os.. help beh! hehe.


  2. #2

    Default Re: WGA notification, samok!

    one legal remedy for this is buy and install genuine software. other than that should not be discuss in public. pm pm lang bro. makatabang rami ana.

  3. #3

    Default Re: WGA notification, samok!

    bang, bawal diay ni bro? senxa..

  4. #4

    Default Re: WGA notification, samok!

    try dis bro........

    [link killed of by irangejuice]

    maka tabang ni sa imo blema....

    Hello user,
    You've received an infraction because you assisted someone in getting around Microsoft's WGA. In a way, you have promoted piracy which very much frowns on.
    Last edited by irangejuice; 03-24-2012 at 05:38 AM. Reason: see message above

  5. #5

    Default Re: WGA notification, samok!

    ^ ^ if dli genuine ang OS then mag update ka, ma detect na sa microsoft server na pirated copy. especially if ma install ang WAT update. naa man mga ways on how to fix it but illegal... hehe.. reinstall nlang na then turn off/disable updates.

  6. #6

    Default Re: WGA notification, samok!

    it will happens if ur os is not genuine, pero ok rana bro tga pop up sa wga e cancel ra gud na nimo...

  7. #7

    Default Re: WGA notification, samok!

    No actually, it's not OK it means you've obtained a non-legal copy of Windows.
    This thread will be locked for obvious reasons.
    this is the line --------- cross it. i dare you

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