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  1. #1

    Default Dead Washing Machine at least 6.5kls Capacity

    I am looking for Dead Washing Machine at least 6.5kls Capacity. Kindly post your offers and the following details:

    1. Brand?
    2. Capacity (at least 6.5kls)
    3. Whats the trouble? (unsay guba?) kindly explain details
    4. Post your offer price
    5. Post location
    6. If possible naay pics kai I dont want to buy not so good looking washing machine


  2. #2
    Im looking for "dead" none working washing machine and still looking.

  3. #3
    kindly send PM

  4. #4
    i dont know rba sa capacity sa akong washing machine. il ask my kuya f pwede pa to maau

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronn926 View Post
    i dont know rba sa capacity sa akong washing machine. il ask my kuya f pwede pa to maau
    whats the brand and why na daut?

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