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  1. #1

    Default confuse in one thing...

    what should go first in our lives is it carreer or lovelife...? im really confuse with that situation.,,,

  2. #2
    for me, id go for my career coz i know that the love of my life will be happy if i am successful with my career too..

  3. #3
    depende ra jd na nimo. ikaw ra ang mka tubag ana. lain2x mn gd ta og priorities in life...

  4. #4
    I guess it depends on your preference bro...

  5. #5
    career gyud dapat.

    TS nindot sad gbutang na name sa istorya kay ang imo gyud tinuod hehehe

  6. #6
    career po. the later na ang lovlyf kapag successful na ang career.

  7. #7
    career ikaw depende ra na nimo ikaw my mag decide,....

  8. #8
    career wui, maayu untang ma kaon na nimo ang gugma dili raba..wala na sad na mauso ron ang bahalag saging basta loving

  9. #9
    ^ sakto gyud ka dong....

  10. #10
    pili lng ka... lechon manok(career) or saging(lovelife)

  11.    Advertisement

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