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  1. #1

    Default IPTV solution in our country

    naa na bay company sa Pilipinas nga naga offer ug IPTV solution services? i mean naga install ug Internet Protocol Television...

  2. #2
    wa pa bro... naay plan sa kadtong telco nga nag ngn na triple play daw pero so far double play ra man ang na serve, voice ug internet ra walay TV. Dili kaya sa existing telco infra i-rollout kay dako kaayo bandwidth gi-need. but naka apil ko sa lab test sa nokia 3 years ago. Pure IPTV usage DL speed of 2Mbps- just like an ordinary video kanang broadcast quality, 4Mbps-VCD/DVD quality, 6-8Mbps - for HD na.

  3. #3
    mao na TV over internet lang usa sila just like watchpad nga palpak sa pacquiao-cotto fight...

  4. #4
    lagi lag kaau... thanks for the info.. but it seems nga next year naa na daw IPTV sa Philippines...

  5. #5
    hopefully bro aron mausa nalang ni ato bill...

  6. #6
    yes of course sir... maybe 2 years from now maimplement na cya... there's another concept cguro sir nga maimplement ang iptv.. sa akong pagsearch i dont know ug tama akong interpretation, what we need is a STB(set top box) w/c naay software na ngcontrol sa live channels from internet, for pc naa man software nga IPTV. i mean dli na cya mgkinahanglan ug tv tuner... as far as i knw sa metro manila isa sa mga 5 stars ngimplement na ug IPTV.. using internet cable line, like skybroadband,.. correct me f i'm wrong sir...

  7. #7
    yes, stb is needed, it is a modem in any sense with 4 ports; 1. for the phone/ipphone 2. eth port for PC 3. coax port for the TV 4. port for the telco connection.
    At the Telco side, they will add a video server for the TV, softswitch for the voip and bras for the internet.
    phone, internet & TV will have different vlan assingments because its individual has separate servers at the telco side. thay probably use terms such voice vlan, internet vlan and iptv vlan.

  8. #8
    so mghulat pa jud d i ta ani sa ISP kung naa nacla available dugang bandwith for IPTV sir?

  9. #9
    hopefully next year...

  10. #10
    padong na ta ani 2010....

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