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  1. #1

    Default Looking for: Guidance and Advice

    First of all, I'm no special guy.

    I'm a simple, dedicated, hardworking, and independent 20 some year old dude, in some boring town somewhere up north Cebu - whose main purpose in life is to be a better person - a man who can provide for his family; a man who wants nothing but make everyone around him feel they're loved and cared for.

    I'm quite not understanding the problem I'm facing. I am not sure if it is just me or my partner's really being unfair. I'm in a 4 year relationship with a woman who I originally thought as someone who thinks the same way I do. Somebody who understands that in a relationship, it's a give or take kind of thing.

    We originally started just fine. Our relationship seems to be getting better and better each year - or so I thought. I'm earning a good sum with my stable job (undisclosed for security reasons) while my partner has recently graduated college. We're living together because I originally thought it's a good start, a good plan to better our understanding and awareness of each other for our future family. All plans seem to be working pretty great for the first couple months. Then, something hit me! Something I am extremely worried about.

    She's got some attitude that no independent person appreciates (or again, maybe it's just me) - A clingy, not motivated, no sense of responsibility type of a partner. (I know, I maybe too harsh, but this is exactly what I feel right now.)

    She's not the kind of girl who goes out and act wild in some bars at night. She's a typical woman who loves staying at home. However, she's also the woman who easily complains about almost every possible thing humanly imaginable - loud noise of the neighbors baby, chickens roaming around our place, the heat of the sun, or even some neighbors attitude. Then, when we talk about plans for the future, especially if it involves her looking for a job, so she can support herself, buy things she needs (or even the "wants") - she knows all possible reasons to avoid the said topic as if it's a taboo topic to discuss in public.

    I'm the one paying for all bills and it looks like she's not giving a darn about it. She sometimes even have the guts to ask me to cook after my tiresome day after work because she's playing some kind of games in her phone.

    Lastly, I feel I'm not free to make my own decisions no more. Since I mentioned that she's a clingy girl, she always want me beside her. If not, she always want to be part of my every activities including some casual dinner with old pals from my previous company. I am in hell.

    Now, after all the things I've been dealing with now, I am not certain if this is still love that I have for her, or is this just merely pity. Pity because I know if I will turn my back on her, she's going to be in a really, really bad shape. Her world is revolving around me, and me on her's. I'm missing a huge part of my life because of this nonsense.

    I may sound being selfish right now, but this is the voice inside me trying to shout out to all who care out there. Please help me make the right decision.

    Mr. Independent.

  2. #2
    C.I.A. Wynna's Avatar
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    tell her to "grow up"

  3. #3
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    Be outspoken and upfront with her..truth hurts but thats the only way.

    Slightly same tag situation but with different circumstances and reasoning.. But i choose to let him go in order for him to learn also.

    Learn to love yourself and your dreams also..hehehe char.

    Dili na imo sala if gatuyok sya sa imo kalibutan...

    Miss independent.

  4. #4
    I've tried being upfront already. Done so twice. It worked for about a week or two, then it eventually went back to this same scenario.

  5. #5
    Storyai ninyo ug tarong bro

  6. #6
    Klaro kaau under si TS, reklamo pud panagsa ts, pamuybuy panagsa. Truth hurts pero its time for her to grow up.

  7. #7
    another Kris Aquino in the making... matud pa ni Kris, bright siya sa tanan butang but bogo sa gugma

  8. #8
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    Sorry to hear this kind of story. Pero yeah talk about it with her. Let her know what you feel and your thoughts. Like what you said you don't think nga love pa nimo sya. Let her know. Though dili ra layo atung edad but bata pa sad kaau mo to take it seriously. Been there, done that. Decide now or forever ka mahigot ana nga sitwasyon.

  9. #9
    TS, my take, as a man, you should turn in your man card. You brought her to this situation, now it has come to a point that it is hard or next to impossible for her to unlearn the habits she acquired, it is up to you to endure a lifetime of hell or start out fresh... You are still young, your future is still ahead of you. This may sound harsh, so does reality.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by CB110 View Post
    I've tried being upfront already. Done so twice. It worked for about a week or two, then it eventually went back to this same scenario.
    If dili ka happy sa attitude and dili ka secured.. Unsay dugayan? If kaya pa mo break up.ka niya.. Den let her go

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