Our Harlem Shake Video!!!
Reality Life Roleplay
We welcome you to Reality Life Roleplay, one of the most realistic Roleplay-servers around!
You come to Los Santos, get yourself a job.
Feel the great feeling that you'll find when you purchase your first vehicle, or your first house.
Obsessed with justice? Maybe you should apply for a job in the Los Santos Police Department?
Want to save people? Then the Los Santos Fire & Medical Department is the place for you.
On the wrong side of the law? There are plenty of gangs and mobsters in Los Santos, but be careful, they may trick you, or give you a harsh death.
New mile stone has been reached with 109 players online on January 2, 2013. Thank you for supporting us. Happy new year to all players.

Game Server Features:
-Banking and ATM System wherein you can deposit or withdraw your money
-Create or join a Gang/Family
-Point Battles/Gangwars to control Turfs
-24/7 Stores wherein you can buy things like cellphone, cameras and more...
-You can Rob Stores
-Buy your own Business
-Online Radio Vehicle Streaming
-there are 11 unique jobs to choose from legal to illegal jobs.
-Unique Housing system and house cars
and much more....
New EVENT: Group atleast 3 people (must be level 2 or above) and get a free Gang Creation.... Limited Gang slots only...
Server Information:
Server Name: Reality Life Roleplay
Server IP/Port: samp.rl-rp.info
Website: www.rl-rp.info
Server Type: RolePlaying
Server Map: San Andreas RP
Forum: RL-RP PH Forum - Portal
What you need to play GTA San Andreas Multiplayer:
1. Download the game here if you dont have one yet:
2. After you installed GTA San Andreas Game on your computer (it must be version 1, if your gta is updated you can just downgrade[B].
3. Download GTA SAMP Client .3x version here:
4. Go to this Link:
Getting Started - SA-MP Wiki and read the instructions.
5. After gta-samp is installed, copy the Server IP:Port above and click add server then paste it there.
6. Then Click Connect button to start playing.
Katong interested mo duwa ani PM lang ko inyo ingame:
Lurker or Deadmau5 unya ingna na "Istoryan ka" para ma tagaan ka ug freebies....
Usual players online time is around 7am-2am PH time.....