Have you ever experienced making a fool out of yourself because of what you did while you're dining out alone or with your friends and family? Totally embarrassing that you just want the floor to eat you up because people saw your funny stint and you can't bear seeing their reactions? Hehehe...
Personally, I'm known by my friends with the monicker, "Palpak Queen" because there's never a time that I won't do any faux pas when I'm with them especially when we're eating out. As expected, I'll end up being the butt of jokes everytime we're sharing funny memories in one of our chit chats over coffee or dinner. I don't mind at all because it's totally funny. Most of the times I simply laugh at my mistakes and end up telling myself, "Why on earth did I do that shtit?!" LOLS
What about you guys? Did you do something funny or embarrassing while eating out?
Come on, spill the beans