Selling Extatosoma Tiaratum Nymphs a.k.a ( Australian Giant Prickly Stick Insect,Spiny Leaf insect)
E.T. is a large species of stick insect endemic to Australia. Female adult E. tiaratum are covered with thorn-like spikes for defense and camouflage. Their long, rounded bodies grow to about 5 to 8 inches (20 cm) long. males are small and thinner, growing only about 11 cm in length and have three ocelli. Males lack the thorny growths except for spikes around their heads.
E. tiaratum also take a curved pose when it hangs inverted amongst foliage with "its highly procryptic abdomen curled over its back. Like many stick insects, E. tiaratum sway back and forth or side to side when disturbed. They also move this way to blend with foliage rustling in the wind. Individual E. tiaratum vary in colour and appear brown, mottled brown, green, a reddish colour, a cream colour, a yellowish colour, and even entirely white.
DIET: Fresh Guava Leaves/ Rose / Eucalyptus(their natural food in their native Australia)... E. tiaratum are vegetarians
call or tx lng: 09428085021
actual pics w/ price (neg if 2+ ang kuhoan..)
500 nlng 5i
2pcs nlng
adult pic from net: