The Isle of Dogs mission is twofold:
First, to make dog grooming a pleasant and bonding experience between dog and owner by providing the best tools for proper grooming care.
Second, to maximize every dog's health, beauty, and well-being, both inside and out.
In order to accomplish this mission, we are committed to:
Helping dog owners understand the importance of proper dog grooming.
Providing guidance on best grooming practices.
Offering a peerless grooming system that personalizes each dog's specific needs.
We all love our dogs; yet pet parents often don't know how to take proper grooming care of their dogs. They typically use human shampoos, with the wrong pH balance. They don't bathe their dogs frequently enough, fearing shampoos may dry the coat. Sometimes they may even think the process is too much of a hassle. Yet the reality is that in most other ways people treat their dogs as family members. Dogs play with our kids, they sleep on our beds. We take them to doggy day care, we travel with them, and we love to pamper them.
But somehow, when it comes to grooming, it would seem as if dandruff, itching, and scratching are supposed to be commonplace in dogs. This need not be the case, and Isle Of Dogs is committed to helping you keep your dog as comfortable and beautiful as possible, and reaching his or her full, glorious potential. Made in the U.S.A.
Products Available (repacked, Ring Sealed guaranteed!)
1.) Isle of Dog - Stay Clean (repacked, Ring Sealed guaranteed!)
A gentle, yet thorough, cleansing shampoo that removes dirt, grime and odor and extends time between baths. Works well along, or as the first product application, followed by one of our other specialized shampoos as the second application.
Dilute with water up to 20:1. Wet hair , apply shampoo, lather and rinse thoroughly.
For coats that need deep cleansing and no need for volumizing or smoothing, including smooth, short and corded coat types. May also be used on combination or double coats.
-120 ml = P150
-250 ml = P300
2.)Isle of Dog - White Coat Evening Primrose Oil Shampoo (repacked, Ring Sealed guaranteed!)
For whiter, cleaner-looking dogs
No chemical dyes
Evening Primrose Oil for relief of dry skin and itchiness
Delicious scent for long-lasting freshness
Dilute with water up to 10:1. Wet hair , apply shampoo, lather and rinse thoroughly.
Evening Primrose Oil, whose health and skincare benefits are widely acknowledged, is extracted for use in Isle of Dogs products by a natural, non-chemical process which preserves it in its purest form.
Evening Primrose Oil (EPO) is based on the extraction of oil from the Evening Primrose plant seed. The origins of the plant are in North America, from where it came to the UK by accident when cargo ships bringing over tobacco dumped the soil brought back as ballast, and seeds began to grow. The plant was officially introduced in 1614 into Europe, during the reign of King James I, and rapidly became known as “King'sCure-All” because of its medicinal properties. EPO was not examined closely, however, until 1919, when its gamma linolenic acid (GLA) content was reported in Germany, and consequently its effects on cell generation and cholesterol reduction were monitored. Today, EPO’s health and skincare benefits are widely acknowledged. Pure cold-pressed EPO comes from the Evening Primrose Plant (Oenothera biennis). EPO is rich in the fatty acid GLA, which is an important intermediary in the metabolic conversion of linolenic acid (LA) into Prostaglandin E1 (PGE1). EPO's high levels of LA (70%) and GLA (10%)are superior to the use of LA alone or saturated oil containing no GLA/LA. Isle of Dogs manufactures two variations of EPO levels: the Veterinary Grade shampoo has 3% where the regular grade has 1%. It is important to note the distinction between extract and pure cold-pressed EPO. There are two basic methods for the extraction of oil from the Evening Primrose seed: solvent extraction and cold-pressed. The former involves washing the seed with a solvent; which calls for dissolving the oil and the solvent into a mixture and requires later decanting and heating to boil the solvent off. The latter, used by Isle of Dogs, is performed in specialized machines that apply great pressure to the Evening Primrose seed and literally squeeze pure Evening Primrose Oil out naturally. Though more costly, this method is preferred as cold-pressing avoids the use of chemicals. This helps EPO retain the quality of essential nutrients and avoids the use of chemicals. Most other available products on the market today use EPO extract, which is inferior in terms of efficacy.
-120 ml = P180
-250 ml = P350
Well, enough talk and let the shampoo and the dog owners/users do the talking.
Here are some(too many to mention) dogs with their owners who are loyal users of Isle of Dogs.
*all photos are copyright of the photographer/magazine/dog owner. Please do not misuse or use without acknowledgement.*
*Campari - Credits to owner, photographer and Pcci quarterly magazine
*Riot(Ph Ch Highlander's Fusion Hysteria (USA) - Credits to owner and photographer
*Rocky- Credits to owner and photographer
*Johnny - Credits to owner, photographer and Pcci quarterly magazine
*Couper - Credits to owner, photographer and Pcci quarterly magazine
*Kona(BISRuBISPhGrCh-AMCh) - Credits to owner and photographer
This quarter's PCCI quarterly (July)
From Long coat ~ rough coat ~ double coat ~ short coat ~ etc...
more photos of isle of dog users
For more Inquiries
Please ID yourself when inquiring. Can do meetups on Mandaue area(a.c. cortez) & Talisay (gaisano tabunok) or text lang if asa maybe maka agi ko e drop off lang nako.