Vaccination - Deception and Tragedy
"At the present time there are growing public and professional concerns about the safety of currently mandated childhood vaccine programs, as reflected in by a series of annual Congressional hearings in Washington DC that have taken place since 1999, sponsored by the U.S. House Government Reform Committee under the chairmanship of Congressman Dan Burton. At an annual conference of the American College for the Advancement of Medicine during April 2001, with several hundred physicians in attendance, when one of the speakers asked how many in attendance had concerns about the safety of current childhood vaccines, a large majority raised their hands. The Autism Research Institute of San Diego is now widely known as an active support group for families with autistic children and is one of the more active organizations in this field. Its founding director, Bernard Rimland, Ph.D., has provided the statistics that, in their experience, from 50 to 60% of parents with autistic children believe that their children were damaged by vaccines. In our own office we have seen many autistic children in recent years, and our own experience has been very similar, many parents reporting that deterioration of their children took place following vaccines." Dr. Buttram
March 8, 2011 - Japan halts vaccines from Pfizer, Sanofi after deaths of four children Today the damage from vaccines is emerging in Japan, where the health ministry has suspended the use of vaccines from Pfizer and Sanofi-Aventis following the deaths of four children there who died within minutes after receiving these vaccine shots. The deaths just keep mounting all across the world: Children are collapsing into comas and then dying, just minutes after receiving combination vaccines that have been deceptively marketed as "completely safe." Last year, Australia temporarily banned flu vaccines in children after they were found to have caused vomiting, fevers and seizures.
Istoryans, our baby is scheduled for vaccination 2 weeks after birth, but after reading the articles above, I dont feel safe anymore. Should we? or Should we not risk our baby to vaccination?
For more details on the danger of Vaccination -
Vaccine Warning: Are immunizations really safe and effective?
Id greatly appreciate any advise.