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Finding Financial Freedom by COACH ROVEL

What is Real Abundance?

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What is Real Abundance? Most people think that abundance happens if you have a lot of money but the real abundance happens if your money can provides you the following:

- More time to enjoy with your family because you have the businesses and investments that take care for you

- Do the things that you are passionate with, like educating people on how to take control of their finances

- Creates foundation that would provide more assistance to those who want to go out of poverty.

Real Abundance does not only limited to one self but it affects our families, our community, our cities, our country and the nations of the world.

If you desire to have the Real Abundance, you can do the following:

- Find a mentor that will provides you coaching on doing business and investments

- Join a business community, surround yourself with people who has the mindset of successful people

- Be coachable, open-minded and have a burning desire to succeed

Since being financially educated leads to Real Abundance, sharing this message to all Filipinos becomes my advocacy. - David Jereos, Create Abundance 2020? Business Community - "A community dedicated to creating a world that works for all"
Tags: abundance, ca2020



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