, 04-19-2009 at 01:00 AM (4597 Views)
i laugh.. many times a day..
i smile.. many times a day..
i cry.. i don't..
does it make me insincere? unfeeling? unserious?
no, it makes me go on..
i have nothing against tears..emotions and feelings.. i have all that..
i have it all safely "kept " away..
i don't wish it to go away.. i know its real.
i'm asking for a little more strength.. a little more spirit..
a single tear, holds a lot of emotions... a lot of stories.. a lot of happiness and a lot of things kept hidden..
i try to smile..and laugh.. i have to face the world, strong, just as it had stood strong for me..
and the people i love.. i cant let them worry about me..
i laugh.. a lot..
for in between the times i laugh, is a wave of emotions hiding inside and a pool of tears kept hidden..
i smile.. a lot..
i cry.. i don't.. hopefully, i won't..