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Allowing Yourself to Feel Pain Instead of Hiding from It

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I used to run from pain.

Allow yourself to feel pain, to sit with it. To build relationships that you may one day lose, for whatever reason.

Holding pain will be hardest thing you do. Feeling pain is the bravest fight you will fight. Running, avoidance, fear in whatever form, it all brings you further away from being a full, feeling person.

Pain is clarifying, cleansing. True.

You feel this pain because you loved so hard, because you felt so hard.
Walk bravely through pain’s cleansing fire, although it scares you, although it burns so bright that you walk in knowing it will hurt. You will come out on the other side stronger and more complete.

I don’t know what your pain is. We all hold it, some pain, inside of us; we carry it with us. And that’s fine, it really is.

There is a beauty in pain that that even happiness cannot touch, because you risked, you loved, you let yourself feel. Pain will be the thing that brings you to yourself, before and after pain—before, there is happiness, after, there is transcendence.

Pain is a part of your experience, not something to run from, to escape. Pain will find you somehow, and to go through its cleansing fire will be one of the truest things that can happen to you in your life, if you let it.

Updated 04-28-2016 at 10:13 AM by gracie7

Tags: life, love, pain
Love , Gracie's thoughts


  1. P-Chan's Avatar

    pain is temporary, makes you stronger
  2. re_con's Avatar

    #endure the pain until it pains no more.#pain makes you stronger and braver.#no pain, no gain.
  3. luff101's Avatar
    When you love someone, pain is pretty part of the package.

    Ease the pain til it hurts no more.

    We always forget on many things, because we moved on and that's part of the process.


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