Conversation Between heptics and cielo cucumber

6 Visitor Messages

  1. jokes ra gani to. . .
  2. cucumber ayaw ug salig anang mediaskare negro naH! haha

    ---negra man sad ko... ahahhahah.. sa man di sad ko mu salig sa ako self?!?!
  3. asa dapita ang bugal2 ato?? serious man nga tao c mediaskare.. bwahahahhaha
  4. kani gyud c mediaskare sige gyud bugal2x ni cucumber . . .
  5. hehehe.. kaila ko nimo heptics.. ikaw si magalang. cge hisgot c mediaskare nimo..
  6. cucumber ayaw ug salig anang mediaskare negro naH! haha
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
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