Conversation Between namelesschic and Little_Mermaid88

7 Visitor Messages

  1. miga!!!! churi... been busy these past few weeks and the next weeks. once ma settle ko miga daghan, magtabi ta. i miss you miga.
  2. miga! wa nakai pakita nako huhu
  3. miga padung naman ko out sa office.
    FB nlng ha?
  4. miga! aimishoo too! pm bi! hahaha na-busy akong peg kadyot dah
  5. hoist!!! imissyou miga...
  6. haha! iPM gud ko doll. kahibaw naka busy busyhan akong peg.
  7. psssst pm bi. hahaha
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
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