Conversation Between PebblesandKisses and God'sWarfare

5 Visitor Messages

  1. That's what everybody is talking about.. How sweet jud!
  2. I wished so too. anyway, yah, watch nlang kas vids. as en. almost everyone has gone tearyeyed!

    hahahah lovely!
  3. I know.. I am sick, I am at home.. I missed jud!!! kalagot.. But I'll look at the videos, I wish ako'y nakakanta ko ato para nila
  4. hey! where art though? u missed something in here! tskČ

    hahah- HEAVY! mishu!
  5. Jill i-add ko friends hahaha. di nako kamao mugamit ba! wahaha :lol
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
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