Conversation Between stiLLfrEE and scorpia

103 Visitor Messages

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  1. hello there, mzta atong adlaw BB? nagkadaghan man imong mga visitors dri, sauna ako raman toh! lol
  2. lgeh, tripan nsd ko ni sitoy... anyways, ayaw nlng tago nig kuyog nako ni sam gud! haha
  3. ahaha naay sitoy lage dni? ahahah

    longing jud jay?
  4. oh there you go, i was longing to see you here! haha
  5. o_O aha nga new picz jay?
  6. saw ur new pics, u look good! anywayz, take care.... le muah! lolz
  7. mepaka na busy sa negosyo... ako walay kwarta this summer hahaa... can't think of a sideline pud...
  8. hi bb .......
  9. unya ikaw musta naman?
  10. ok ra ko bb, at least my mom is fine nah! hehe Thanks God
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 103
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