• Caught in the Web: The Internet in 2011

      In the tech world, one of 2011's great losses would be Steve Jobs. May we always be inspired by his words, his leadership, his life.. May we also be reminded that like him, we too, can change the world.

      As we bid goodbye to 2011, we found some videos and facts that summarized the year that was in the perspective of search engines and mobile technology.

      2012, we are ready for the challenge!
      Enjoy the videos!

      Google Review
      What have you searched this year?

      Mobile Review in 2011 by MobileFuture

      What apps and mobile tools have you used?

      Yahoo! Top Philippine Searches for 2011
      1. Shamcey Supsup
      2. PAGASA
      3. NBA
      4. Sam Pinto
      5. Azkals
      6. Shalani Soledad
      7. Andi Eigenmann
      8. AJ Perez
      9. Marian Rivera
      10. Earthquakes

      Top 10 Trending Topics on Twitter
      1. Justin Bieber
      2. Soccer/ Football
      3. Lady Gaga
      4. NBA
      5. Jonas Brothers
      6. Christmas
      7. Super Junior
      8. Britney Spears
      9. Japan Earthquake
      10. One Direction

      Top 10 Sites in the Philippines by Pinoy Money Talk
      1. NursingCrib.com
      2. iSTORYA.NET
      3. PhilBoxing.com
      4. PinoyAmbisyoso.com
      5. DailyContributor.com
      6. Starmometer.com
      7. PanlasangPinoy.com
      8. DotaStrategy.com
      9. Rickey.Org
      10. TheDailyInquirer.net
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      Comments 1 Comment
      1. fcipriano's Avatar
        fcipriano -
        In the tech world, one of 2011's great losses would be Steve Jobs. - we forgot Dennis Ritche (inventor of UNIX).. without him we do not have Windows, or even Apple, and we will all read in Binary

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