• Coffee Appreciation with Bo’s Coffee

      Coffee appreciation is one way of getting to know the coffee before committing to a full bag of beans. Take note of the flavors, the aromas, the taste and compare it with your preferences - sweet, tart, velvety-feel, or light.

      The taste of coffee is influenced by where it is grown. Highland coffee like Sagada, Mt. Apo tastes sweeter due to the environment it is exposed to, the temperature, the elevation, and sun exposure.

      Before buying that bag of beans, order a cup and enjoy it.

      1. Smell the beans from the hole of the bag.
      2. Smell the cup of coffee.

      How does it smell? Is it sweet?

      Ask yourself what sweetness you taste with every coffee - fresh fruit, honey, or caramel.

      The better the coffee, the sweeter it tastes. This is true for Arabica. Robusta, on the other hand, is more sour or tart.

      3. Taste the coffee, by taking a sip you get to know if it really is sweet then you get to know the body. Sipping allows your tongue to get to know the coffee.

      4. Swirl the coffee inside your mouth, by doing so, it coats your taste buds and tongue. Feel the body and the acidity.

      How does the coffee feel on your tongue - does the coffee feel light like skim milk or heavy like whipping cream? How does the coffee dose and brew affect its body?

      Is the coffee fruity - citrusy? Does it have a mild tang or more chocolate-like dark roast? Is the fruitiness strong or subtle?

      Roast levels affect the coffee’s acidity. The darker the roast, the less we taste the tartness of the coffee, which is what we call acidity.

      5. Take note of the flavors that you like with that sip and swirl experiment.

      Tasting the hint of flavors is tricky, especially for beginners. Take a second sip - can you taste the toasted almonds or nuts? Fruit notes of blueberry? Floral notes of rose or gardenia?

      6. Allow the coffee to cool down and taste it again.

      A great cup of coffee gives you that lasting experience even after five minutes after you sip.

      The finish is described as rough or smooth. What’s your last impression of it? Do you want to taste more?

      The new bean offerings of Bo’s Coffee are in collaboration with The Dream Coffee and Kalsada Coffee.

      The Dream Coffee began in the lush, mountainous municipalities of T’boli and Lake Sebu, South Cotabato. This humble coffee community honors the local partnered farmers of its origin, empowering them to hone their craftsmanship in producing these Single-origin, specialty Philippine Arabica beans. Produced in small, well-crafted batches, these beans unearthed the rich heritage and flavors of the South.

      Notes: Sweet, Brown sugar-like, infused with herbal tea-like flavor
      Roast: Medium
      Process: Double Fermentation Washed

      Kalsada Coffee, founded in 2014, has been championing Philippine specialty coffee by uplifting Filipino coffee producers in their growth to produce beans of the highest quality. As avid collaborators, Kalsada brings local partnered communities to the market through shared efforts in machinery investment, quality control, and environmental sustainability. Just recently, Kalsada Krew opened its first dry coffee mill in Pangantucan, Bukidnon. Efficiently improving the production of coffee while promoting the livelihood of the local farmers.

      Notes: Infused flavors of Molasses, Jackfruit, and Red Cherries
      Roast: Medium
      Process: Mixed

      Discover your taste. Practice until you get the flavors that you like. Coffee appreciation is subjective. There is always the right taste for everyone.

      Bo’s coffee, as the largest homegrown coffee chain in the country, champions local enterprises and actively advocates for social impact, which is the drive in every cup they serve. Bo’s Coffee’s Philippine Coffee Origins is a result of their extensive collaboration with farmers and coffee bean producers across the country, crafting the perfect brew for every Juan.
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