• The Long Weekend Conundrum

      Why, hello Monday! *Looks at office table and the pile of work to be done*-- darn, it IS a Monday!

      During long weekends, many of us fall into a pattern of going to bed late, plus a lot of weekend activities such as watching those sought-after movie marathons, family games, vacations with friends, binge eating, etc.

      So, when you go back to work, you experience this combination of a Monday feel and post-holiday blues: a general discomfort caused by a person’s inability to adapt to work after the long holidays (www.taipeitimes.com)

      The long holidays will always be a great thing to look forward to but it does have an ending and it won’t be forever, you do have to go back to work and whatever shenanigans you will do. Argh, the dread of waking up early and facing all the tasks—this by far is one of the dilemmas one has to face after the long holidays.

      So how do you get back on your trail? Here are a few tips from us:

      1. Sleep early. Prior to going back to work or school, try to sleep early than the usual. Say “No” to last-minute “laag” with friends. Drink a glass of milk as early as 8pm or have a soothing and relaxing massage and go to bed right after. Sleeping early also means shunning away from social media from your laptops, PC’s or your cellphones to avoid temptations of wasting extra sleeping hours on browsing over the net.

      2. Early morning jog/exercise. Energize by having a brisk walk or a jog or your short exercises prior to eating breakfast or taking a bath. This would set your mind of activities that lay ahead and will give you a feel that the day is no ordinary snooze-fest, you really have to go back to something.

      3. Document your activities/trips. In order not to feel the strain of the holiday blues, try to blog about what you did over the long weekend. You may include pictures, etc. so as to keep those holiday spirits alive. Note: do this at your spare time, not during work.

      4. Organize your table. Do not be alarmed with the pile of papers, try to arrange them one by one and list according to what needs to be prioritized. Check our article relating to this: Uncluttering your Workspace.

      5. Check your mail. It may sound crazy but this is a great way to get a jump start on your first day back. Spend an hour checking your work emails the night before you return. It will save you headaches the next day.

      6. Schedule accordingly. As much as possible, do not schedule meetings or appointments on your very first day back. This can get you ample time to organize your work and priorities before meeting anyone else. Ease your way back by spreading out appointments by urgency within the week.

      7. Plan for the next holiday. This tip is for those who are always on the go for vacations. Forget the old vacation and plan for a new one. It actually helps you beat the weekend blues. It will give you a renewed sense of thrill and make your work fun rather than a burden, as you count the days to the next one.

      And as a reminder for the next long holidays, it would be best that you finish off all your workload prior to taking a break or vacation. This way, you will have a guilt-free time with yourself and loved ones, taking off the stress of thinking about work.

      So instead of saying with a sigh where the holidays went and dreading your workload that awaits you, try energizing your mind and smile at your workmates while looking forward to the next holiday!
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      Comments 12 Comments
      1. ulyrich's Avatar
        ulyrich -
        grabe nakakatamad mag trabaho after long weekend
      1. fredvillacampa's Avatar
        fredvillacampa -
        nice advices... thanks
      1. hmchua's Avatar
        hmchua -
        nindot jud e.resign after a long weekend..
      1. Jetz's Avatar
        Jetz -
        Salamat sa advice...nice article
      1. Zylun_HR's Avatar
        Zylun_HR -
        a very good tip and its practical, thank you.
      1. jayianOO7's Avatar
        jayianOO7 -
        payter! okay ning mga ingon ani. pangwakeup call pud bah.heheh
      1. turachris's Avatar
        turachris -
        na payter mo lng..morang kag magahan sah?
      1. kabisdak's Avatar
        kabisdak -
        time flies so fast
      1. php1's Avatar
        php1 -
        Quote Originally Posted by hmchua View Post
        nindot jud e.resign after a long weekend..

        oo nga eh...nawiwili na kasi
      1. obcenity's Avatar
        obcenity -
        Yeaah.. I felt it ayt now.. so tiring to work.. haha
      1. jack_guitarfreak's Avatar
        jack_guitarfreak -
        kapoy mo tarbaho pero need nato kay mao ra atong panginabuhian dugang lang ta og laing kalingawan
      1. garboso's Avatar
        garboso -
        yehey monday na. mag flirt-flirt napod me sa pantry.

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