Experience visual dialogue of how the world is seen behind the lens through a photo exhibit by the iSTORYA.NET Photography Club (IPC) members at the i2 lobby, IT Park Lahug from December 19, 2011 to January 2, 2012.
Headed by iSTORYA.NET CEO Gerald Yuvallos and IPC President Dan Brian Gerona in partnership with Radical Ads, the exhibit displays captured sights and moments ranging from different photo genres- landscape, macro, portraits, weddings, fashion and food. The exhibit showcases works from the following IPC members:
• Dexter Bongo
• Gerard Domanguera
• Anwar Abarintos
• Makoy Ladanan
• Karlo Matuginas
• Rod Evan Incorporado
• Glenn Gamayot
• Michael Ocana
About iSTORYA.NET and the iSTORYA.NET Photography Club
An old Chinese proverb says, “I hear, and I forget; I see, and I remember; I do, and I understand.”
Imagine listening to a photography speaker without owning a camera— whatever you hear, it is washed down the drain. If you try reading a book about photography, you may remember but you cannot master. But try grabbing a camera, any camera at all and start clicking it, getting to know how it works, and do so with others who have the same objective of learning. Then, you will slowly understand photography.
Such is the thrust of iSTORYA.NET’s Photography Club otherwise known as IPC. Formed by iSTORYAn Dan Brian Gerona in 2007, its main objective is to enhance skills through group experiential learning. IPC is an organization under and formed within iSTORYA.NET based in Cebu City. IPC has been supporting the members through the provision of forums and other experiential photo walks and trips to encourage artistic growth and stimulate public interest in the art of photography.
Want to become part of the IPC? Check out Photography under Arts & Literature on the Forums section of www.istorya.net.
Editor-in-Chief, iSTORYA.NET
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