• The iSTORYAns' Top 5 French Fries

      The universal side dish for sandwiches and burgers. The can’t-help-but-grab some appetizer and the ultimate finger-food indulgence. You may deny it but that fat kid that resides somewhere in our subconscious just can’t help but love (love!!!!!) fries!

      In one of our threads, we have rounded up the five favourite, easy to grab potato wonders in 032-land. No, we’re not talking about healthy advantages or calorie counts or any of that sort. When you talk fries, expect the greasy, oily, crunchy, cholesterol-laden ones that these potatoes can turn into!

      We present to you, the iSTORYAns’ choice of those guilt-indulging French fries based on this thread-- click me!!!

      1. McDonald’s Twister Fries www.mcdelivery.com.ph (for online orders)

      - It’s McDonald’s fries, but curly. Yes, you could say, they are the fashion-conscious if they are not fries. It’s golden brown, crispy and crunchy! What I love about twister fries aside from its twist is that it’s crispy-crunchy on the outside and soft and flakey on the inside! Personally, I order it with a Monster Float and gravy on the side. And because it’s seasonal, it of course creates this hype of wanting to eat more and more as the availability draws an end and you have to wait another season for it.

      2. KFC Fries! https://www.facebook.com/kfcphilippines

      Need to have a quick fix on some cravings? A mini bucket of KFC’s flavoured-coated Crispy Fries paired with their signature gravy sure lifts up your mood! Personally, this is my favourite among the top 5.

      3. Potato Corner https://www.facebook.com/PotatoCorner

      If you are up for flavoured French fries, you know that there is nothing as enticing and nom-grabbing as Potato Corner! Take it out, watch movies with it, or just eat it as you go, Potato Corner has the best flavors for fries. My personal favourite is sour cream!

      4. Shakey’s Mojos https://www.facebook.com/ShakeysPH

      Not totally your French fries but of course, you can’t talk potatoes and not include Mojos! Shakey’s very own fried potato silver dollar slices, breaded with their unique seasoning and spices with exciting dips to choose from!

      5. Jollibee Crisscut Fries- www.jollibeedelivery.com for online deliveries

      The Filipino favourite, Jollibee made it to the top 5 with its Crisccut Fries redeeming them to the fave fries list! The Crisscut fries are uniquely shaped and crispy, letting you savor the different flavour it offers. Currently their flavors are Cheese, Barbecue and Sour Cream.

      The following are those that did not make it to the top 5 but did have impact in the thread discussions (in no particular order):
      • NY Fries and Dips
      • Orange Brutus
      • Mother’s Fried Chicken
      • Gaisano Mactan Sidewalk (sidewalk fries)
      • Taters
      • Flame It
      • My Joy
      • Burger Joint
      • Sunburst
      • Pizza Hut

      How about you? Are you a French Fries addict? What’s your top 5?
      Upsized fries, anyone?
      This article was originally published in forum thread: French Fries Addicts! Asa ang BEST French fries? started by lestat1116 View original post
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      Comments 655 Comments
      1. misnoodle's Avatar
        misnoodle -
        KFC jud ang lami.. esp if naa ka kailog og kaon, nah mas lami jud!
      1. jutai's Avatar
        jutai -
        Mcdo lang ko.
      1. pirehro's Avatar
        pirehro -
        Quote Originally Posted by misnoodle View Post
        KFC jud ang lami.. esp if naa ka kailog og kaon, nah mas lami jud!
        hahaha I agree

        finger lick`n good jud :d
      1. onlyvic's Avatar
        onlyvic -
        sa mcdo akoa... ayay. gigutom ko dah. pero gi-renovate man ang mcdo dri sa jy wuiiii.
      1. Fairksins2's Avatar
        Fairksins2 -
        MCDO nothing else....

        naa man sad FRENCHIES... ikaw lng magluto... mapalit sa mga department stores... try it.. naa sad mga flavoring na powder pakapin
      1. ongkal's Avatar
        ongkal -
        KFC!!!! pwede na isudan. hahahaha
      1. pollybusngiw's Avatar
        pollybusngiw -
        Jollibee jud....dagko rman au ug slice ang fries sa KFC oi...
      1. demonyito's Avatar
        demonyito -
        Mcdo ang pinakalami na fries!
      1. whim10's Avatar
        whim10 -
        waaaaaaahhh,lami hinuon kaon fries
      1. Genocide's Avatar
        Genocide -
        mcdo jud ako ei
      1. kaiser8's Avatar
        kaiser8 -
        sa Myjoy! lami ang french fries nila... hehehe
      1. stevemenk30's Avatar
        stevemenk30 -
        potatoe corner flavor cheese n sour cream
      1. madame_zee's Avatar
        madame_zee -
        forever Mcdo!
      1. achibaby's Avatar
        achibaby -
        waaaa adto sa kog mcdo oi...hehehe
      1. clarkhkent's Avatar
        clarkhkent -
        para nako mcdo kay dili karas sa akong tutunlan inig kaon nako...weeee
      1. jakster_11's Avatar
        jakster_11 -
        any rako basta naay catsup
      1. radiostar's Avatar
        radiostar -
        sa phat thursday lami ilang french fries nad2
      1. likyam's Avatar
        likyam -
        daghan kaayo man:
        McDonald's-kanang bag.o pa gyung haw.as
        Max's- camote fries nila
        Potato Corner-Sour cream and onion
      1. Wardelicous's Avatar
        Wardelicous -
        Mc do!!!!.....
      1. okatokat's Avatar
        okatokat -
        KFC ko mga bro

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