ISTORYA BLOG #41: Ratified
, 07-20-2010 at 09:08 PM (2870 Views)
Featured in on March 10, 2009
FINALLY, Merely My Opinion gets Ratified on January 7, 2009.
So, after months of waiting since September 2008, I finally received this heart-lightening news. Actually, I first tried registering at in June 2007 and was advised to re-register if I could comply their requirements of creating an account first with Page Rank and then with Alexa Rank and finally placing their widget buttons in my blog.
It took me a while though to register again until last year and now I am a bit overwhelmed to see my blog grouped along with fourteen other notable ones under Batch # 18. Along with that, I carried a Ratified Blog ID 795 and, initially, I got ranked at 590 out of...READ MORE (Press CTRL + mouse click)