, 11-04-2008 at 06:49 PM (4939 Views)
Now listening to...
Most of TTM's well-known/familar hits (i.e. What's the Matter Here, Like the Weather) come from this album.
What's the fixation with 10,000 Maniacs? I now truly think my girlfriend sounds (and thus can probably sing) like Natalie Merchant. When she gets back home I'm going to give her some TTM albums and ask her to sing TTM songs while we both play the guitar.
Still trying to finish the $%^&* palace, but I'm like 95% done with it, whew. Due to an NDA, I can't post images/snapshots of it here. I'll just update this blog sometime mid-January.
I need to do some woodwork in my room. I really need that Dremel now. Sigh.
Finally got time last night to go back to reading this...
Been reading the Copernicus chapter. I was surprised to find out that Copernicus didn't realize that the printed and bound copy of his book was actually "slightly edited" by one of his colleagues so that the church won't go berzerk. So he actually died thinking the ideas and concepts he presented in the book were his own, and now readily available for public consumptin. But actually a lot of stuff were already adulterated. Kinda sad.
It took several years before Kepler (thanks to Brahe) finally set things right again (Galileo was forced to sign that confession and was placed under house arrest, so he had little effort to change things).
Speaking of astronomy matters, sharing the November Sky Calendar for those interested (table courtesy of ALP)...
01 17:44 Venus 3.0 deg N of Moon
03 08:50 Taurids Meteor Shower Peak
04 05:21 Jupiter 1.8 deg N of Moon
13 14:17 FULL MOON
14 06:02 Moon 0.7 deg N of M45/Pleiades star cluster
17 14:18 Leonids Meteor Shower Peak
18 17:39 Moon 1.6 deg S of M44/Beehive/Praesepe star cluster
20 12:19 Moon 2.9 deg S of Regulus
24 17:44 Moon 3.3 deg S of Spica
26 00:51 Mercury at Superior Conjunction
28 00:54 NEW MOON
28 03:20 Mercury 3.6 deg N of Moon
28 05:27 Mars 4.2 deg N of Moon
28 07:23 Moon 0.1 deg S of Antares
29 12:19 Mars 4.2 deg N of Antares
29 13:17 Mercury 3.7 deg N of Antares
29 14:07 Mercury 0.6 deg S of Mars
If you see a bright "star" very very close and right beside the sinking crescent moon tonight (pero cloudy ata tonight, malas nyo hehehe), that's not a star--that's the planet Jupiter.