Islamic Belief in Angels (Malaikah)
, 02-26-2013 at 05:31 PM (8112 Views)
- The belief in angels is one of the six pillars of Iman/faith. Belief in 1. Allah 2. His angels 3. His revealed books (Torah, Gospel, Psalms of David, Quran...) 4. His messengers (peace be upon them) 5. The Last Day and 6. Al Qadr (Devine Decree).
- They are bodies of light who fulfill the commands of Allah (swt) obediently and have no aspect of divinity to them.
- Neither male nor female.
- They have 2 - 6 wings, not of feathers. Angel Jibreel (Gabriel) has 600 wings, each wing filling the entire horizon.
- For every drop of rain, there is an angel descending with it and placing it where Allah (swt) commands.
- Angels also descend and place their wings around someone to protect those who seek knowledge about Allah (swt).
- Isfraeel (Raphael) is the angel who will blow the trumpet to mark the Day of Judgement.
- Munkar and Nakeer are the angels that will question the souls in the grave about their faith and deeds.
- Malak Am-Maut (Angel of Death) well you know what this angel's duty is.
- Malik is the guardian of hell.
- Ridwan is the guardian of heaven.
- Mikail (Michael) is in charge of rain and nourishment