Untitled (because things are impermanent)
, 10-30-2012 at 01:48 AM (4594 Views)
If there is one truth we all know and can agree with, no matter what our ideologies and beliefs are, is that everything seems to be in a state of impermanence. Thus, one's life is in a constant state of flux. That being said, I want you to appreciate and enjoy whatever 'good' I show or bring to you, at this moment in time. I want you to appreciate and enjoy whatever kindness other people may give you, whether it be genuine or even if wrapped in the sly cloak of vested interest. Treasure that which comes to you that adds to your zeal and moves you to shout out loud that life is good.
Though I consciously try to be a good person each day, the fact that this impermanence is indeed omnipresent and saturates the fabric of our very existence means that there is absolutely no guarantee that I will show you the same magnitude of kindness, benevolence, gratitude or good will in the coming days. I cannot speak for other people, and this is why I expressed this from my own perspective, but I don't think I'm being too assuming when I say that whatever struggles I make in trying to form a moral compass with which to determine 'proper' or 'good' courses of action, I think other people caught in this same maelstrom of uncertainty would also follow the same patterns of action I shall be engaged in.
I do hope this is not taken as a warning, but simply an expression of truth. I believe that the sooner every living, thinking and feeling creature on earth realizes this impermanence, the sooner everyone will embrace whatever blessings they have for the time being, and thus give unto the world, an oasis of bliss, a moment when they can truly say that life is good after all, even in the midst of uncertainty.