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Warrior Pilgrimage

The personal journal of PinoyApache

  1. ISTORYA BLOG #80: The Politics of Walking

    Feature in on May 8, 2010

    WALKING, ACCORDING TO my good friend, Dr. Abe Manlawe, is the best exercise. It is most perfect when you walk 6-8 hours everyday. I could do that on weekends only. On the mountain trails of Napo to Mount Babag with a weight on my back. Yes. The sweat, oh, it streamed like a river, especially on a hot day. And I feel good after that. Go, ask Boy Toledo how he felt. You should see him scream with delight.

    Seriously, ...
    Tags: how to, training
  2. ISTORYA BLOG #79: Year-End Climb 2009

    Featured at on May 1, 2010

    THE SUN SPIKED HOT today, December 27, 2009. I am with old buddy – Boy Toledo; two people from Kompay Lakaw Mountaineers – Nathan and Myla; and a junior bank executive – John Chan.

    It had not rained today and it is a good day to introduce John to trail hiking. We deem it unnecessary to rest along the trail until after we have reached the river crossing where there is a water spring. We arrived at the place at 8:15 ...
  3. ISTORYA BLOG #78: Overheating Multicab, Sweet Tuba & Spoon Carving

    Featured in on April 22, 2011

    AFTER OUR PURPOSE in Asturias, Cebu is finished for this day on February 24, 2010, we sped back to where we came from three hours ago to the Trans-Central Highway and then to Cebu City. This mountain highway links Metro Cebu to the western coast particularly to Balamban town where there is a major ship-building facility located.

    Omar Pace drove the Suzuki Multicab to the Trans-Central Highway and as it climbed ...
  4. ISTORYA BLOG #77: Goodwill Hunters

    Featured in on April 15, 2010

    IT IS A COLD early Sunday morning of December 20, 2009 and I braved the even colder water offered in my bathroom. I am, at last, free from being a slave with office work and the chance to stretch my leg muscles again is most welcome. My hawk feathers will hang again from my head and they will dance in the breeze.

    Well, Ernie Salomon would be with me today and that satisfies my requirement of good company for ...
  5. ISTORYA BLOG # 76: Sleepless in Bais

    Featured in on April 1, 2010

    I HARDLY RESTED from my trip in Bohol on October 28 and 29, 2009 yet, I am, once again, on the road on October 31 for the other side of the island of Cebu then crossing over a strait of water and into Negros Oriental. This time, I will have Eddie Alberca with me.

    I worked late in the office the night before that and arrived home at 1:30 AM, set the alarm at 3:00 AM and stole sleep without much ado. Then the most ...
  6. ISTORYA BLOG #75: Jungle Wil

    Featured in on March 15, 2010.

    THERE IS A PROMISE of a hot day today, October 4, 2009, as me and my guest, Wil Rhys Davies aka CochiseRattlesnake, walked the concrete-and-asphalt road at 8:15 AM from Guadalupe to Napo. Will is a Welsh national who opted to live here in Cebu and put up an adventure-tour business – Jungle Wild Adventure, Inc. He had been living in Banilad since February and we crossed paths at the Tap Room of the Gustavian Restaurant on ...
  7. ISTORYA BLOG #74: Bohol in My Mind

    Featured in on March 8, 2010

    IF BOHOL WERE a stone's throw away, I sure would have loved going and staying there for keeps. I have been there many times when I was a tot in the company of my grandparents and I was their favorite. I remembered hearing during their conversations of the names of places where we visited like Tagbilaran, Tubigon, Clarin, Sagbayan, the Chocolate Hills, etc.

    Back then, in my own little world, I have never seen ...
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